Week 10 Peer Response: Research StoryWeek 10 Peer Response: Research Story
A draft of your research story was due to this board on Sunday.
Select a research story.
Read the research story critically and take notes.
Depending on how the story is written, you may not be able to answer all the questions below. If that’s the case, you should write about why you are unable to answer the question.
Peer review is challenging, but it will help you understanding what you need to do for your own project
Summarize the story briefly in your own words.
What do you think of the introduction? Are you interested in the topic?
How is the story structured?
Did you understand the author’s research process and conclusions? Why or why not?
Does the discussion effectively explain the importance of the research?
What audience do you think the author is writing for? Is their tone accurate? What three questions or suggestions do you have about this story?
Guidelines for Peer Review.docx Guidelines for Peer Review.docx – Alternative Formats
Please see other peers story that’s what you have to write about