Submit a reflection paper of between 500 to 800 words that reports your thoughts on the readings or materials for a unit (e.g., Weeks 10 & 11: The Child Welfare System). You may focus your reflection on one or a set of the readings/materials for a class or may connect themes from multiple readings/materials across classes within the unit.
Do not summarize the reading but rather reflect on it, provide some insight.
This reflection may include questions about the materials, key arguments or issues raised by the authors/participants, relevant points not raised in the material, and/or the importance and broader implications of the issues discussed.
You may also disagree with the arguments made in the material and critique the authors/participants’ point of view, but try to focus your critique on the specific arguments. Write about what the arguments are, not just how you feel about having interacted with the material
Unit topic: physical health policies for children and youth
Reading material attached below
Requirements: 500-800 words