2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Subject Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Demonstrate advanced understanding of project m

May 17, 2024

Subject Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Demonstrate advanced understanding of project management principles, frameworks, and critical awareness of contemporary approaches needed for managing and leading projects.
Critically evaluate, analyse, reflect on, and synthesise information to address complex project management issues in specific contexts.
Clearly, concisely and credibly communicate project management knowledge to specialist and non-specialist audiences to inform practice.
Applying project management concepts and theory, you will critically analyse key components to develop a project rationale and definition that outlines the project’s strategic purpose, project priorities, project success criteria and project management approach.
Act as the project manager and present the strategic rationale for selecting the project and project definition to your project team at the project kick-off meeting.
ote: It is recommended you select a potential new project that you or your organisation will run in the near future. Alternatively, you can relate this to a past project or a project in progress; however, you will need to redefine the project towards an improved project performance and propose it as a new project.
Your oral presentation should address the following components:
Project title, purpose and strategic alignment. Explain the purpose of the project and alignment with the strategic needs of the organisation.
Scope. Define the project objectives, major deliverables and limits of scope. To be effective, these should be specific and measurable.
Project priorities. Establish and justify the project priorities, accounting for the identified key stakeholders involved and their expectations.
Project’s success criteria. Define the project’s success criteria and discuss the alignment with the project’s purpose, stakeholder expectations and priorities.
Based on the characteristics of the project you have defined above, select and justify a suitable project management approach for implementation (e.g. traditional, agile, hybrid).
Prepare your presentation using PowerPoint (Office 365) – Assessment 1 template (.pptx). The template is a starting point to structure your work but feel free to adapt it as needed.
You are recommended to use a maximum of 7 slides, + Title and Referenc slides ( total of 9 Slides )
This assessment requires you to use a minimum 10 ( prefer 12-14)
credible academic sources  , Must use the book as one of them (
Larson, E & Gray, C 2020, Project management: The managerial process, 8th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York. (ISBN: 9781260570434 or 9781260579567) ) . You may also use current company, industry, government and media sources to support your statements, but these will NOT count toward the minimum required credible academic sources for your assessment. Most web-based sources are not sufficiently rigorous and credible for use in academic assessments and will NOT count toward the minimum required credible academic sources for your assessment
maximum 7 minutes (presentation will not be marked after 7 minutes) – The recording notes to be written on the note side ( for presenter mode ) and should be recordable within the limit given ( don’t make them too long ) – Start with the overview and titles – and each slide . the note are the elaboration and explanation of what is written in the slide , Please do not write what is in the slide in the notes ( but the explanation and details ) 
You must record with the Powerpoint slides in presenter mode and you must present to the camera and be in the video throughout your presentation.
See AIB Style Guide: 7.7 Oral presentations before you submit for resources on how to record your presentation using AIB Zoom and how to deliver an effective presentation, including how to cite and reference slides and examples.
Ensure the Work is done professionally  – 0 AI usage.
Reviews about the work will be given only after the grading of the project 
PROJECT : Automatisation of the recruitment business in a Recruitment Agency .
Goals : 
in recruitment efficiency: Measured by reduction in time-to-fill positions
and cost-per-hire.
candidate experience: Measured by feedback from candidates regarding ease
of application process and communication.
hiring manager satisfaction: Measured by feedback from hiring managers on
the quality of candidates and efficiency of the recruitment process.
Please refer to the module and go through them and the attached image as a reference 
please ensure that is done – because i don’t have the time window for mistake or re making the work ( if you are busy or can’t deliver a professional work and detail oriented as per the requirement please let save you and me time ) and avoid serious consequences as this is a last minute urgent assignment .

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What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

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* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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