The second stage of the Final Project — the Progress Report — is a space for you to demonstrate your developing investigation into your case and to think through the content/narrative flow/interactivity of your media object. The general idea of this assignment is to prompt you to make the scope and boundaries of your project more concrete. For the Final Project Progress Report please submit a single document (.docx or .pdf) that includes the following sections: » Introduction – State the case that you are researching.
(No more than 50 words) » Research – Find and describe three sources that help you in researching your case. These sources should be external to this course. You must use three different types of sources: one scholarly/academic article or chapter; one government or NGO website/resource; and one news/journalistic article.
In describing these sources, make sure to
(1) describe them in a way that makes sense to a reader unfamiliar with them and
(2) include how they are relevant to your case. (100-150 words each; 300-450 words total) » Inspiration – Find and describe one media object that helps to give you inspiration for the media object you are creating. This media object should be external to this course. This media object should ideally be in the same/similar format as the media object that you are creating.
In describing this media object, make sure to reflect on how it is helpful/inspirational in shaping your own creative process. (200 words) Sources should be cited appropriately, using a consistent citation style of your choosing. Please use different sources than you used in your Proposal. Use the 10% rule when gauging your adherence to the word limits. You should not write more than 10% above or below the word limit for each section. The grading criteria for the Final Project Progress Report is as follows: » Appropriateness of sources; » Clarity and accuracy of description.