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Spiritual  Care Perceptions of Baccalaureate Nursing Students  pipkins-et-al-201

July 5, 2024

Spiritual  Care Perceptions of Baccalaureate Nursing Students 
pipkins-et-al-2019-spiritual-care-perceptions-of-baccalaureate-nursing-students.pdfDownload pipkins-et-al-2019-spiritual-care-perceptions-of-baccalaureate-nursing-students.pdf 
It is so easy to get caught up in the natural, it is easy to set your focus on pressure, whether it is mental emotional, or social pressure, whether real or imagined. Things that the devil is cycling through your mind, like running in front of you a constant picture, constant idea, things you are not even conscious of until the pressure has you like a choke hold around your neck. You start to feel it, you feel the panic, the fear, the doubt, your heart is beating faster, you feel the stress, it takes hold of you physically, it tries to drain you, and you stop and ask where is God? You may say I am praying. What and how you pray is important to get results.  Jesus said to the disciples where is your faith? He did not ask them why they had no faith, but what are you doing with their faith? Where do you aim or focus your faith? How do you get results?
Faith goes across the grain in the way you feel, and feelings that come naturally we need to put those emotions to the side and as Christians have a higher focus. Put Christ as your firm foundation, he will not fail, no he will not fail you. When that image comes to your mind, it is screaming to me that God is not enough, God is not faithful. But God is enough and God is faithful. If we trust in the Lord, God is enough, if we trust him.
Faith begins with a decision what are you doing? When pressure comes, will you put that pressure aside? Removing questions, doubt, and fear. When trouble comes will you trust God to be enough?
Scenario: During your Population Health course, you would have encountered different individuals who suffered from mental health and physical disorders.  As nurses, as Christian nurses, we can show our image of Christ in how we talk with our patients and how we care for our patients. 
Mental health disorders in San Bernardino County affect physical outcomes with members of the High Desert community. Read the current Community Vital Signs report dated 2024-2029, specifically pages 11 and 12 for current information https://communityvitalsigns.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/05/CHA-2024-Report.pdf?x59797Links to an external site.  
Assignment: This assignment will reflect your spiritual experience during Population Health. Write at least a 4-6 page APA 7th paper on how you would minister to an individual who is suffering from anxiety, depression, or fear. Reflect on all the readings, Bible verses, music, and PowerPoint required for this assignment. The demonstration of how you communicate the love of God, peace, and trust in God to conquer anxiety, depression, or fear. How do you help your client deal with negative emotions?
Read O’Brian Chapter 1-Spirituality in Nursing: Standing on Holy Ground, Chapter 2-A Spiritual History of Nursing, and Chapter 3-Nursing Assessment of Spiritual Needs. You’ll need to cite at least one citation from each chapter within your paper.  Remember you do not direct quote, you need to demonstrate what you have learned and what it means to you and the assignment you are completing. 
Read Azusa Pacific University’s Four Cornerstones from the link provided and apply each cornerstone to your assignment.
What We Believe – Azusa Pacific UniversityLinks to an external site.
Bible reference: here are a few Bible verses to encourage you in the preparation and completion of this assignment.  
How did Jesus teach us to prepare for wisdom? (James 1:5)
How does Jesus teach us how to pray? (1 Cor 14:2-4) ). Praying in the Spirit sows into our spirit
What does the Bible say to do when we do not know what to do? (Phil 4:13)
When fear comes, what did Jesus teach us to do? Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9, 2 Timothy 1:7, Psalms 34:4 (there are many other biblical verses but this should help you get started. 
Your paper must include: 
1) Introduce the purpose of your paper. Describe the role of a Christian nurse to their community and their patients. What are the characteristics of a Christian nurse, and why is a Christian worldview needed in today’s world? 
2) How does a Christian nurse respond to their patients when chaos happens, and their patients experience an intense act of trauma, fear, depression, or anxiety attempting to take over their life? How can you help your patient to find solutions to whatever is troubling them?   
3) As an Azusa Pacific nursing student and future nurse, how do you minister to the community using the Four Cornerstones in your nursing practice? How does this practice set you apart from other nurses?
4) What have you learned from APU’s Christian perspective that you will now apply in your nursing practice? How will this make you a difference-maker?
I refuse the pressure, and the stress, and I enter to the rest. Whatever answers I need, I will receive. I tap into the wisdom of the Lord. Lord, I have been asking you for Time, time for what? The time to find the answer to whatever comes my way. Father, I need your wisdom. He wants to do more for you than you even realize. 

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