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Situations and financial projections in companies are constantly changing. The e

May 10, 2024

Situations and financial projections in companies are constantly changing. The effects of global events can impact valuations on companies over time. For example, in some cases, the pandemic has caused substantial issues in financial projections, either in a positive or negative manner. 
Analyze each post and what did you learn from each post? Post a cohesive response.
Post 1:
One of the companies that were highly affected by consumer demand due to the pandemic was Hilton. Hilton went from being the number 1 best company to work for to in the U.S. to weeks later, having to furlough thousands of its employees. This is because of the pandemic lockdown, people were not traveling and staying away from home. This negatively affected Hilton in its financials. Hilton not only lost from people not renting rooms but they also lost from their restaurant and bar departments. As a result, Hilton stopped operations in 275 properties across the United States and Europe. Other companies such as pharmaceutical companies were favored by the pandemic and consumer demand. 
Post 2:
After considering the positive impact of pandemic and public demand for transportation industry, I selected FedEx because the high demand for deliveries increased FedEx’s revenues during pandemic. FedEx does not only deliver residential packages but business packages for retail companies such as Walmart, Costco, and Shoprite. Furthermore, the average daily package volume increased for FedEx Ground, which handles e-commerce deliveries for retailers like Walmart. The volume for residential and business deliveries increased as clients placed a lot of online orders such as office furniture, food, clothing, and equipment to keep their social distance. These higher profits attracted more investors as EPS was higher and investors were willing to pay more for the company’s shares. FedEx was able to minimize its costs and invest in things like automated sorting centers and route optimization. Route optimization saved fuel because residential deliveries were higher and delivery drivers were not spread out. FedEx also spent $565 million in 2020 on fuel which is 35% less than a year earlier in 2019. However, as of 2024, the demand for FedEx packages had decreased because there are other competitors such as UPS and Amazon. Additionally, many customers now prefer to buy in person. In my opinion, Fedex is a good example of how the pandemic affected positively its higher revenue, investment and cost minimization. 
Post 3: As we all know, there were millions of companies that were impacted by the pandemic and experienced changes in consumer demand. But a known, and a popular one is Delta Air Lines.
The airline industry was heavily impacted by the pandemic, and Delta Air Lines was no exception. Due to travel restrictions, lockdowns, and reduced consumer confidence, Delta and other airlines faced a significant decline in passenger demand. The company had to cancel flights, ground aircraft, and implement cost-cutting measures to mitigate the financial impact. Delta also had to adapt its operations to ensure passenger safety and comply with health protocols, such as implementing enhanced cleaning procedures and requiring masks. The ability of companies to adapt and respond to these changes in consumer behavior played a crucial role in their performance and resilience during these challenging times. 
Post 4: The COVID-19 pandemic taught Bed Bath & Beyond and other retailers important lessons about how to deal with changes in customer behavior and the economy. Even while demand for home goods increased, the pandemic made the company’s challenges from online merchants and the customer’s move toward digital purchasing even stronger. Regretfully, this change was not beneficial to Bed Bath & Beyond because of its restricted online capabilities.
The restructuring and capital-raising attempts of the corporation were inadequate due to declining finances, as shown by significant operational losses. By April 2023, Bed Bath & Beyond was in serious financial trouble, resulting in bankruptcy. Its association with stock dealers made matters more difficult by instabilizing the price of its shares while ignoring the more serious business problems. Later, as the shares of the company approached zero after bankruptcy, it was eliminated.
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