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SEE ATTACHMENT- PLAGERISM REPORT IS NEEDED Write an 8-10-page evaluation of key

June 13, 2024

Write an 8-10-page evaluation of key aspects of a population-based health concern, including your selection of members to form an interprofessional, collaborative coalition to achieve the stated goal.
Resolving population health concerns requires the combined efforts of numerous agencies and individuals to address the Triple Aim of improving the patient experience, improving the health of populations, and reducing costs. This requires an interprofessional and collaborative effort to address the complex factors at the individual, organizational, community, and policy levels associated with the multiple factors affecting the health and well-being of our communities (Graffunder, Sakurada, & Nordisk, 2016).
As a scholar-practitioner in the field, you may be expected to develop and lead a diverse team of health care professionals, civic leaders, community stakeholders, constituents, community members, other interested parties, and city, state, and government agencies in addressing a wide range of issues affecting the health of diverse groups.
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply your leadership skills to form a collaborative, interprofessional coalition to address a population-based health concern from a nursing, public health, or health administration perspective.
Graffunder, C., Sakurada, B., & Nordisk, N. (2016). Preparing health care and public health professionals for team performance: The community as the classroom. National Academy of Medicine.
Government officials are taking action to address a chronic population health concern in your area. As a member of this community, you have a good understanding of the local demographics and population health issues, including the potential implications for policy making, health care systems, service utilization, clinical practice, education, and the workforce. In your role as a doctoral graduate and health care practitioner, you have been asked to:
Evaluate key aspects (including the social determinants of health) of the selected population health issue from the topic list.
Lead an interprofessional team of your choosing (a coalition of community members and organizations, clinical providers, health care organizations, and civic and governmental agencies), to achieve the coalition’s goal(s), which may include prevention efforts, quality improvement, service utilization, and the reduction of health care costs.  
This leadership position requires the ability to promote prevention efforts, quality improvement, service utilization and the reduction of health care costs, as well as skills in the following areas:
Effective and ethical leadership.
Interprofessional communication.
Collaboration, inclusion, and applying new and existing knowledge to solve problems and inform decision making.
For this assessment, you will select one of these topics to address in the given scenario:
Topics for the paper: Demonstrating Effective Leadership
Health Disparities/Social Determinants of Health: Focus on vulnerable or high risk groups and on decreasing disparities between groups. You can select a specific group with a focus on the person’s experience of care, services, and resources (quality and satisfaction), improving the health of the population, and reducing per capita cost. This will be the focus for the coalition.
Pandemic, e.g., COVID-19: Focus on a vulnerable or high risk group related to population health, including the person’s experience of care, services and resources (quality and satisfaction), improving the health of the population, and reducing per capita cost. This will be the focus for the coalition.
Asthma and Children: Focus on a vulnerable or high risk group including the person’s experience of care, services and resources (quality and satisfaction), improving the health of the population, and reducing per capita cost. This will be the focus for the coalition.
Opioid Addiction: Focus on a vulnerable or high risk group including the person’s experience of care, services, and resources (quality and satisfaction), improving the health of the population, and reducing per capita cost. This will be the focus for the coalition.
Obesity: Focus on a vulnerable or high risk group including the person’s experience of care, services, and resources (quality and satisfaction), improving the health of the population, and reducing per capita cost. This will be the focus for the coalition.
Evaluate key aspects of a chronic population health concern. In addition, select members for a collaborative, interprofessional coalition that you would lead to achieve the stated goal. Coalition membership can include, but is not limited to, key community members and organizations, clinical providers, and local and state agencies.
This position requires the ability to lead a coalition, identifying potential barriers and best practices for communication and collaboration and addressing issues relevant to diversity and inclusion, ethical practice, and the use of evidence in the field to promote change. The focus of this paper and your analysis is leading the coalition versus resolving the population health topic selected!
Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:
Assessment 2 Example [PDF] Download Assessment 2 Example [PDF].
Document Format and Length
Format your paper using APA style.
Use the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] to help you in writing and formatting your paper. Be sure to include:
A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
Appropriate section headings.
Your paper should be 8–10 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
Supporting Evidence
Cite 4–5 credible sources published within the last five years from peer-reviewed journals, other scholarly resources, professional industry publications, and assigned readings to support your case assessments and recommendations.
Assessment Grading
The assessment requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each of the seven main tasks. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion in the scoring guide to see how your work will be evaluated.
Create topic headings for each section as noted in the instructions and exemplar paper.
Contributing Factors: Analyze the impact of factors that contribute to this chronic population health concern.
Examine the situation from a population health perspective.
Provide context surrounding this concern.
Identify the affected groups, and the environmental, social, and financial factors.
Coalition to Address the Population Health Topic Selected: Form a collaborative, interprofessional coalition to address this chronic population health concern.
Consider, among others, key community members and organizations, clinical providers, and local and state agencies when making your selections.
Select 5–10 members.
Who must be included?
How will member selection contribute to the goal?
Develop a table as demonstrated in the exemplar paper to list your selections and the rationale for inclusion (add rows as needed):
Coalition Team Members and Their Contribution
Coalition Team Members Contribution
Issues Affecting Collaboration: What potential issues might arise affecting interprofessional collaboration?
Strategies to Optimize Collaboration: What strategies are needed to optimize collaboration and communication among coalition members?
Ethical Considerations: Explain potential ethical issues that might be relevant for the coalition to consider in addressing its mission.
Consider access to care, financial barriers, environmental constraints, and the distribution of resources.
Explain how ethical principles would apply in particular situations on a micro or meso level.
Micro level: individual care encounters.
Meso level: how systems are organized to deliver and ensure quality care for patients and populations (Ho & Pinney, 2016).
Consider ethical codes of conduct applicable across disciplines represented in your coalition.
What evidence supports your conclusions?
Collaboration, Diversity, and Inclusion: Explain the principles of diversity and inclusion applicable to the formation of your coalition and its interactions with the community.
Consider the impact of a diverse team on achieving coalition goals.
How would you work within the coalition to establish a culture of inclusion, respect, and value?
How would you promote community engagement, cultural awareness, health equity, and access to resources? Resources can include, but are not limited to medications, transportation, and environmental resources.
What are some best practices for interprofessional communication for this group?
What evidence supports your conclusions?
Literature Review to Address the Population Health Topic Selected: Explain how literature and research in the field can be used to develop best practices for addressing this chronic population health concern.
Locate two current, peer-reviewed studies that coalition members should consider as foundational to developing an evidence-based intervention for the situation.
Briefly explain how each study is relevant to the chronic population health concern.
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
Conclusion: Proofread your writing to avoid errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your evaluation.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
Apply correct APA-formatting to your document, including headers, headings, spacing, and margins.
Apply correct APA-formatting to all source citations.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your evaluation to your ePortfolio.
Graffunder, C., Sakurada, B., & Nordisk, N. (2016). Preparing health care and public health professionals for team performance: The community as the classroom. National Academy of Medicine. doi: https://doi.org/10.31478/201604b
Ho, A., & Pinney, S. (2016). Redefining ethical leadership in a 21st-century healthcare system. Healthcare Management Forum, 29(1), 39–42.

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