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SCENARIO: Your workplace has experienced significant change recently, and your d

June 24, 2024

SCENARIO: Your workplace has experienced significant change recently, and your department is expected to respond to change with innovation. Your immediate manager has asked you to determine one specific innovation for your department; you will be responsible for the implementation of this innovation.
You have already presented your manager with an informative report in which you explored two options for how this innovation might be implemented. Now they would like you to create a recommendation report for the department manager.
ASSIGNMENT: In Unit 3, you revised the informative report in which you researched several methods for implementing your chosen innovation and compared and contrasted two of them based on factors that you chose. In this assignment, you will choose one of these methods and write a persuasive composition in which you aim to persuade your audience that this is the best course of action to take in order to implement your innovation. 
Sample Touchstone 4
To write a detailed recommendation, you will need to consider 2-3 criteria that are influencing your recommendation. These should be the same criteria that you evaluated objectively in your comparison/contrast assignment; however, you should look at them through a new lens as you are now aiming to persuade your audience that one method is better suited than the others rather than to inform them about the similarities and differences between the methods. 
In addition to advocating for the method you have chosen, you should spend at least one body paragraph acknowledging and responding to any counterarguments you anticipate regarding this method. Think about the method you did not choose and why someone might advocate for that method instead. Address those concerns by demonstrating why the method you have chosen is still the best option. Refer to the Unit 4 lesson called Using Counterarguments for further instruction on addressing these types of arguments in a persuasive composition.
In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.
A. Assignment Guidelines
DIRECTIONS: Write a double-spaced 4-6 page (1000-1500 words) persuasive essay in which you:
Use the information you have learned from your informative comparison/contrast report to write a recommendation in which you advocate for one of the methods of implementation that you investigated for your innovation. 
The essay must contain a persuasive thesis statement that clearly states the method you think is best and why (the 2-3 criteria that influenced your recommendation).
For example, if you compared and contrasted various instant messaging tools for creating more rapid communication between teams, you could argue in favor of implementing a particular tool due to the fact that it is less expensive and more user-friendly than the other options.
State your persuasive thesis in an introductory paragraph.
Include 5-7 body paragraphs that explore the criteria that led you to advocate for this particular method of implementation, applying and analyzing researched evidence.
Make sure to explain your reasoning and interpretation of your researched evidence, using the techniques of context, translation, and analysis where appropriate.
Address potential counterarguments using logic and evidence. 
Cite and reference 2-4 reliable primary or secondary sources that you used to support your argument for this particular method of implementation.
Make sure to integrate your source material effectively, using the techniques of summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting where appropriate.
End with a concluding paragraph that restates your thesis in different words and provides a concluding thought.
Write in the persuasive mode throughout the composition, using rhetorical appeals. 
Minimize mechanical and stylistic errors.
Answer the reflection questions listed below.
B. Reflection Questions
DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions. 
Think about the specific skills and techniques that you used while developing and writing this final assignment. What have you learned about how to present a strong argument using persuasive writing techniques? How can you apply this knowledge in your professional or everyday life? (4-5 sentences)
Consider this course as a whole. What have you learned about yourself as a writer? Is there anything you have struggled with in the past that you now feel more confident about as a result of taking this course? (5-6 sentences)
Revising 22.5 25% Acceptable (75%) – Accomplishes 2 of the following: Demonstrates evidence of comprehensive re-visioning of the draft; makes changes to organization, where needed or appropriate; makes changes to focus and clarity where needed or appropriate.
Alicia added: Although some changes have been made in response to the feedback on Touchstone 2.2, some issues remain unaddressed. Remember to incorporate direct quotations in addition to paraphrasing.
Editing 30.0 25% Advanced (100%) – Accomplishes all of the following: Demonstrates evidence of comprehensive edits to the draft; edits include adjustments to word choice where needed or appropriate; edits include adjustments to sentence completeness where needed or appropriate; edits include adjustments to sentence variety and/or style where needed or appropriate.
Alicia added: Nice job with the edits! This is a clean and effectively written essay.
Research 11.7 13% Acceptable (75%) – Accomplishes 1 of the following: Cites all outside sources following APA conventions; references 2-4 credible primary or secondary sources.
Alicia added: Support is working well in some places. Remember to incorporate direct quotations in addition to paraphrasing.
Organization 15.6 13% Advanced (100%) – Accomplishes all of the following: Includes an introduction with a strong thesis statement; includes an adequate number of body paragraphs (4-6); includes effective topic sentences for all body paragraphs; includes a conclusion with an effective closing thought; the sequence of sentences and paragraphs is logical.
Alicia added: Excellent job guiding readers through the essay!
Style and Tone 14.4 12% Advanced (100%) – Accomplishes all of the following: Demonstrates thoughtful and effective word choices; uses a wide variety of sentence structures; establishes a consistently objective and impersonal tone that is appropriate to an informative composition.
Alicia added: All the word choices, phrases, and clauses are detailed and concise. Well done!
Conventions 9.6 8% Advanced (100%) – Includes virtually no minor errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Alicia added: Excellent job with language and grammar! The essay is cleanly written and well proofread.
Reflection (5 points) 4.8 4% Advanced (100%) – Accomplishes all of the following: Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; consistently includes insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses; follows or exceeds response length guidelines.
Alicia added: Thank you for the thoughtful, robust responses!

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