2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Rewrite this essay Working in this institution requires a certain level of profe

June 12, 2024

Rewrite this essay
Working in this institution requires a certain level of professionalism. One is to have cultural awareness
especially in a very diverse driven institution. An inclusive environment for our patients adds to the
quality of care they receive, thus creating positive feedback from patients. When faced with challenges, I
have learned to seek help and advocate for team work. Contributing to the different teams we have in
the department definitely has a major impact on our workflow. There are many personalities that can be
seen in a big department, such as Interventional Radiology. I have been open-minded on the possibility
of several viewpoints and ideas but prepared to embrace differences.
IR nurses should demonstrate professionalism when communicating and inspire trust when interacting. I
have remained committed to practices that show accountability and adherence to set standards of
conduct. MD Anderson’s standards of conducts and policies have considered emotional intelligence as a
key element for IR Nurses. I have utilized the teamwork that offers emotional support whenever faced
with such emotional challenges. In my free time, self-reflection during my free time and at home to
assess my goals and achievements during the day. I am also open minded when it comes to reflections
and feedback. This is a necessary tool for growth and development.
This year has opened opportunities for me to continue coaching new nurses and travel nurses, and show
what our unit has to offer. I have also trained new nurses for MRI: breast cryoablation: which is a first
for this institution, as well as MRI breast biopsies. Aside from teaching, I have also trained to become a
command center resource, and have participated in being a charge nurse in Mays clinic
IR Nurses have the responsibility of promoting professional practice. I have used evidence-based
approaches, including research, IR Nursing Acts, national nursing practice standards, and established
standard operating procedures (SOPs)- as we hear it from the MDs we work with. They inspire us to
learn and educate ourselves so we can be a resource for them in return. As an IR Nurse, I am responsible
for ensuring standard services are provided to all patients and staff demanding my attention.
On structural empowerment, the motivation is problem-solving. As an IR Nurse, I have provided
feedback to the Nurse Management and staff. I have ensured timely communication to reduce errors
that may occur in case of delayed treatment. Having worked as a command center nurse and charge
nurse, I have collaborated with team members to promoted dialogue and ensure reduced conflict when
developed solutions. A stronger team embraces partnership and diversity to improve patient, family and
management desired outcomes.
Working in interventional radiology, I have learned to be a transformational leader who adheres to the
set professional values and supports others staff and patients to foster patient-patient care competency.
In my professionalism, I have demonstrated loyalty and commitment to the units to ensure teamwork
for the wellbeing of the patients and staff. I have applied both new and existing knowledge and patient
care standards to ensure accountability and adherence to exemplary nursing practices. Being an on-call
nurse teaches you to take responsibilities and direct fellow team members for a better and efficient
workplace environment.

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