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Rewrite the analaysis below.  ANALYSIS: The NCAA Division I Revenue Distribution

May 22, 2024

Rewrite the analaysis below. 
ANALYSIS: The NCAA Division I Revenue Distribution reports for 2022, 2023, and 2024 demonstrate an inequitable distribution of funds, with the Basketball Performance Fund taking the leading role. In 2022, 27% of the revenue distribution went to this fund, that is the only beneficiary of the Division I Men’s Basketball Championship performance over a six-year rolling period. The ones being benefited are the male athletes. This fund is among the most prominent rewards for male basketball athletes and it reveals that performance in the NCAA is not rewarded in the same manner (NCAA Report). This trend was particularly evident in 2023 and 2024, as more than $170 million was paid to the Basketball Performance Fund in 2024 alone, leading to further widening of the gender-based financial gap in athlete support.
The research revealed an obvious equity gap in funds allocation, which is proportional to men and not women athletes. The NCAA Revenue Distribution scheme is represented by the charts which reflect the unjust distribution of funds between male and female athletics with the majority going to the former. This trend brings up the question of the NCAA’s commitment to the gender equity and proves the necessity of amendments in the rules of fund distribution towards the purpose of providing equal opportunities for all athletes.
The distribution patterns have shown no changes over time, which is a clear indication that the NCAA athletics has not made much progress in addressing gender-based inequalities within the organization. However, the struggle to achieve gender equity persists, as even Title IX regulations only go as far as to redistribute funds in favor of male athletes.
VII. Conclusion
The data on NCAA Division I Revenue Distribution from 2022 to 2024 demonstrate the unequal distribution of funds, especially with Basketball Performance Fund that mainly serve male players. This result shows the ingrained gender injustices within the collegial athletics and emphasizes the need for reforms which will ensure equal and fair treatment of all athletes. These reports also show the absence of any substantial transformation of the distribution pattern over time, and hence, it is evident that the problem of gender equality is still unresolved within the NCAA. Knowing these distribution methods is very important for campaigning for change and for obtaining the equity of genders in collegiate sports. It highlights the need for continuous process of policies and practices reforms in the NCAA to maintain fairness and equality for female athletes as well as males. Achieving gender equity in NCAA athletics does not only mean equality but also it is the epitome of the societal core values of equality and inclusivity.
type a well written 4 page analysis based on the bullet points below: 
The research question for this essay is:How does the NCAA’s revenue distribution model perpetuate financial disparities among female athletes? Additionally, how does the financial framework of the NCAA contribute to the marginalization of women athletes? The study also looks into the finances of  the university of south carolina division1 men and women basketball teams to see if the NCAA’s disparity persists within individual division 1 teams. 
V. Analysis of NCAA Distribution Reports 
In 2022, 2023 and 2024 the NCAA’s Division I Revenue Distribution plan consisted of distributing money among nine different funds tailored to assisting student athletes through various ways. 
NCAA 2024 Report: The NCAA Scheduled to distribute over $170 million ($171,242,775 to be exact) to the Basketball Performance Fund throughout the month of April (Source: NCAA 2024 Revenue Distribution Plan)  According to the NCAA’s Division I Revenue distribution plan, the basketball performance fund is exclusively for male athletics “…based on their performance in the Division I Men’s Basketball Championship over a six-year rolling period” (NCAA Report 2024, p. 8). 
NCAA 2022 Report reveals how 27% of the revenue distribution went to a fund solely for male athletes, further incentivizing division 1 male basketball athletes for their performance. Women athletes are not incentivized for their performance through a specialized fund. 
The NCAA 2023 Report reveals how the NCAA distributed 27% of its total revenue to the basketball performance fund. Type an analysis of what this inequity means and how the charts within the NCAA revenue distribution plan can be read. 
Utilize details regarding the Knight Commission’s rapport to supplement the analysis: https://www.knightcommission.org/wp-content/uploads/KCIACoChairsstatement.NCAARevenueDistribution.432024.pdf 
In order to see if revenue disparities also persist among individual teams, this essay also looks into the Equity Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) and this data base has informationnregarding financial data submitted by schools on a yearly basis regarding financial description is in this link: https://ope.ed.gov/athletics/#/ 
Discuss what the findings of the financial athletic spending reports on the University of South Carolina between the men and women basketball division 1 teams. This study is particularly looking at this school because both the men and women basketball teams made it to the Southern Eastern Conference finals. The women actually won the championship in 2024, and the men finished off 3rd place in the Southern Eastern Conference Finals; in the analysis include,things to highlight:  how much are they spending in recruitment for men vs women? How much are they spending per participant on operating expenses? What is the revenue for men and women? What does this reveal? Are schools also contributing to the financial disparity? 
Talk about Title IV based on the attached article on Title IV
Utilize a direct quote from the reading trends in athletic spending or paraphrase a quote based on what this data reveeals. 
Discuss flaws regarding the NCAA’s Financial Reporting (as discussed in Ticking and Tying at the Buzzer: An Analysis of the NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures for Reporting Financial Data) I attached this reading. 
Type a paragraph on the limitations of this research: only includes data from 2022, 2023 and 2024 
.VI.  Conclusion
Summary of key findings from the review of NCAA distribution reports and the University of South carolina reports 
Reflection on the significance of understanding revenue distribution within the NCAA
Suggestions for future research directions and ways to improve revenue disparities in the NCAA 

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