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Review of Literature, a comprehensive exploration of the framework underlying th

May 17, 2024

Review of Literature, a comprehensive exploration of the framework
underlying the dissertation research. Alternatively, the material from Chapters I and II
may be combined into a single chapter, e.g., “Introduction and Review of Literature.”
If so, change the subsequent chapter numbers accordingly.
Since it began to take theoretical shape a few decades ago, the science of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) has changed route many times: from behaviourism to cognitive approaches and sociocultural theories. The development of SLA has been impacted as much by changes in psychological and educational ideologies as by the progress in laboratory and field research. One thing particularly stands out over these years: a continuous convergence of technological innovations into education, especially in language learning. The evolutionary process—from the classic language lab to the current mobile apps for language learning—has not only changed the way languages should be taught, but also garnered new insights into diverse learner needs and how these needs can be catered to.
This paper sets out to synthesise the historical and theoretical evolution of SLA with the disruption that digital technology has brought to language education. Looking at language education in its various pedagogical forms, the paper goes on to outline how technologies have expanded, changed and possibly even morphed pedagogic practices in recent years while also looking at how they have been and might be exploited further to fundamentally alter, revolutionise or merely retool established ways of teaching foreign languages.
As we discussed in the exam, and in order to ensure you can develop a strong research proposal,  would are asking you to develop an 8-12 page paper, (plus references, not included in this limit) with literature review and research summary on Second Language Acquisition and also Language Learning and
Please, first consider (and reference) the evolution of second language acquisition as a field over the last 30-50 yrs.  Much of this will be with reference to English acquisition. Please, also consider a section on the acquisition of Spanish as an L2 and reference the ACTFL standards etc. There will be some similarities, and likely some differences across English and Spanish.
The point here is to underscore language acquisition as a developmental process. Since you will be working with adult learners, you should also consider the advantages/differences in learning another language (L2) after the critical period, i.e. after an L1 has been fully developed.
You should be sure to include and reference the work of key scholars, including some of the following:
Ellis, R. (1997); Gass, S.; Selinker, L. (2008); Krashen, S. (1982). Lantolf, J. P.; Beckett, T. G. (2009); VanPatten, B.; Benati, A.G. (2010). Brown, Douglas (5th or 6th Ed.) on Principles of Language Learning and Teaching is also a classic primer.  
Also, include another section that considers CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and the evolution into Language Learning and Technology  (there is a journal by the same name- see attached special edition).
Other relevant journal sources include:
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Applied Linguistics
Language Teaching.
I think, it is doable and you should easily be able to write 3-4 pages on each topic, if you divide it up across each of these four areas; 1) Second Language Acquisition; 2) Spanish L2 Language Learning, 3) CALL and Language Learning and Technology; and 4) Technologies and Spanish Teaching and Learning. 
After this section I need a transtion to new tecnhologies in teaching laguage
In recent times, instructors have faced challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has only served to intensify in online, face-to-face, and hybrid-language classrooms. Even thought implementing technological tools in the classroom was nothing new when COVID-19 happened, digital technology became paramount for instruction before and after COVID-19 surfaced. Cleary (2022) explored how educators and academics over the last 30 years have pondered technology usage in and beyond the classroom to create and improve learning opportunities.
The uses of thechnology and the evolution in education 
The uses of apps and finally focus an flip app
The use of the Flip® app as an effective tool for language learning is further showcased in English language instruction. Budiarta and Santosa (2020) conducted a study at the University of Mahasaraswati Denpasar in Indonesia to evaluate English foreign language (EFL) learning among students who used Flip® app in conjunction with regular face-to-face classes. Echoing the observed benefits of previous studies, Budiarta and Santosa observed that students who used the Flip® app benefitted from the collaborative and encouraging atmosphere, which helped students feel comfortable when practicing their speaking and comprehension skills. Their study also suggests that the innovative nature of Flip® app is particularly well-suited for language learning in the 21st century, with students becoming more tech-savvy than ever before.
Chapelle, C. A. (2003). English language learning and technology: Lectures on applied 
linguistics in the age of information and communication technology. John Benjamins 
Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/lllt.7
Cobb, Katherine and Miquel Simonet. “Adult Second Language Learning of Spanish Vowels.” 
Hispania, vol. 98 no. 1, 2015, p. 47-60. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/hpn.2015.0026.
VanPatten, B. (1985). The Acquisition of ser and estar by Adult Learners of Spanish: A 
Preliminary Investigation of Transitional Stages of Competence. Hispania, 68(2), 
399-406. doi:10.2307/342218

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