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Respond to your colleagues in one or more of the following ways: Make a suggesti

June 14, 2024

Respond to your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:
Make a suggestion or share an insight.
Ask a probing or clarifying question.
Share an insight or thought.
Offer and support an opinion, providing evidence to support your claim.
Validate a posting with scholarly sources.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.
Staying informed in an era of technological advancement is one of the most formidable obstacles in the contemporary business environment. The workplace and the workforce are undergoing significant transformations that have the potential to significantly alter the way companies interact with their employees. Employee retention is a growing concern for all companies in the current robust employment market, as we advance at an accelerated pace in all sectors. Highly qualified workers have access to an abundance of employment prospects. Research has revealed that the demand for employees’ services increases as their skills increase. In virtually every industry, the primary concern has evolved into the recruitment and retention of exceptional employees.
Annotated Bibliography
Alias, N. E., Zailan, N. A., Jahya, A., Othman, R., & Sahiq, A. N. M. (2019). The effect of supportive work environment on employee retention at Malaysia information, communication, and technology (ICT) industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 9(8). https://doi.org/10.6007/ijarbss/v9-i8/6210Links to an external site.
(a) Alias et al. (2019)
(b) The authors noted that businesses are currently in competition with one another; as a result, the retention of their most talented employees, chosen based on their abilities and capabilities, should be their top priority.
(c) The authors discovered that employee retention strategies have enabled them to cultivate a workforce that is both motivated and focused. The organizational development process must effectively incorporate retention as a critical factor. Therefore, we should develop it in a way that promotes a satisfied environment for both the organization and its employees.
(d) This article is important to my study because the authors propose that organizational performance can be enhanced by concentrating on employee motivation and retention strategies. 
Choy, M. W. C., & Kamoche, K. (2020). Identifying stabilizing and destabilizing factors of job change: a qualitative study of employee retention in the Hong Kong travel agency industry. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(10), 1375–1388. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1792853Links to an external site.
(a) Choy and Kamoche (2020)
(b) The authors emphasized the correlation between employee retention and work performance. 
(c) The authors discovered that motivation is a multifaceted aspect of an organizational environment that encompasses a variety of strategies. The objective of all of these motivational strategies is to establish a more conducive work environment that will facilitate employee retention. 
(d) This article is important to my study because it helps me understand retention and satisfaction rates within organizations.
Khera, S. N., & Divya. (2019). Predictive modelling of employee turnover in Indian IT industry using machine learning techniques. Vision, 23(1), 12–21. https://doi.org/10.1177/0972262918821221Links to an external site.
(a) Khera and Divya (2019)
(b) The authors provided a comprehension of the impact of the talent management process on effective performance management, with a particular emphasis on employee retention. The level of commitment that employees place on their employment is contingent upon the level of commitment they have within the organizational environment. 
(c) The authors discovered that employee retention is a critical component that management prioritizes when establishing talent management, as it is essential for enhancing organizational performance. 
(d) This article is important to my study because it illustrates the role of motivation in enhancing organizational performance by promoting employee retention.
Implementing an efficient and attainable employee retention strategy is a vital requirement and an inevitable outcome for any business. The study elaborates on techniques that apply to administrators and personnel management procedures. To carve, craft, and execute these strategies, serious dedication from administration and administrators at the organizational level is required. Long-term, this would undoubtedly result in substantial efficiency dividends.
Mentoring Strategies to Support Career Advancement for Mid-level and Senior Employees in the Biotechnology Industry.
Mentorship plays a critical role in fostering success and diversity within STEM fields.  mentorship programs and initiatives are essential in promoting sustainable representation of women and facilitating inclusive and supportive relationships in academic and research settings. The following articles provide a comprehensive overview and analysis to underscore the significance of mentorship in addressing gender disparities, fostering cultural awareness, and promoting inclusive mentoring dynamics within STEM fields
Annotated Bibliography
Moss-Racusin, C. A., Pietri, E. S., van der Toorn, J., & Ashburn-Nardo, L. (2021). Boosting the sustainable representation of women in STEM with evidence-based policy initiatives. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8(1), 50-58. https://doi.org/10.1177/2372732220980092Links to an external site.
(a) Moss-Racusin et al. (2021)
(b) presented evidence-based policy initiatives that could promote the lasting and meaningful participation of women in STEM fields. They reviewed the literature on gender disparities in STEM fields, focusing on policy initiatives for lasting positive change, and examining interventions at various levels.
(c) The authors found that sustainable representation of women in STEM requires addressing systemic issues within organizations and implementing evidence-based policies. They highlighted the importance of interventions beyond simply increasing the number of women in STEM, focusing on creating inclusive environments where women can thrive long-term.
(d) This article is important to my proposed study because it emphasizes mentoring as a key policy initiative, sustainable representation and institutional support. By investigating how different institutional approaches impact mentoring effectiveness, I can explore how mentoring can be tailored to support individuals with diverse backgrounds.
Womack, V. Y., Wood, C. V., House, S. C., Quinn, S. C., Thomas, S. B., & McGee, R. (2020). Culturally aware mentorship: Lasting impacts of a novel intervention on academic administrators and faculty. PLoS ONE, 15(8), e0236983. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236983Links to an external site.
(a) Womack et al. (2020)
(b) explored the impact of a culturally aware mentorship program on academic administrators and faculty. They used qualitative methods to study the long-term effects of Culturally Aware Mentoring (CAM) to understand how the participants’ self-perceptions and interactions changed, which CAM intervention components were associated with those changes, how participants implemented changes after the workshop, and what barriers they faced.
(c) The authors found that the Culturally Aware Mentoring intervention significantly improved participants’ self-perceptions as mentors and interactions with students and colleagues. They highlighted key activities which encouraged self-reflection, open discussion, and positive changes in mentoring practices.
(d) This article is important to my proposed study because it emphasizes the impact of mentors’ behaviors on their mentees’ experiences and career progression. The study suggests incorporating activities like the Culture Box and role-playing into mentoring interventions to develop culturally sensitive mentoring initiatives.
Rida, P., Karalis Noel, T., & Miles, M. L. (2023). STEM postdoc mentoring: a social exchange theory-based conceptual framework. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 31(2), 208–227. https://doi.org/10.1080/13611267.2023.2178708Links to an external site.      
(a) Rida et al. (2023).
(b) developed a conceptual framework for inclusive and supportive mentoring relationships between faculty members and postdoctoral researchers in STEM fields. This framework is based on social exchange theory and uses qualitative methods to draw on data from 31 STEM postdocs at a research-intensive university.
(c) The authors that mentoring relationships are most effective when both mentors and mentees perceive benefits and support from the relationship. They highlighted challenges such as lack of PI training and institutional support for mentoring. The study emphasizes the need to recognize mentoring as a valuable academic activity.
(d) This article is important to my proposed study as it offers a framework for understanding mentoring dynamics in STEM fields. It emphasizes inclusivity, support, and mutual benefit, aligning with career advancement goals. I will use the findings to analyze existing mentoring programs, identify areas for improvement, and develop new strategies.
These articles collectively emphasize the critical role of mentorship in promoting lasting and meaningful participation of women and fostering inclusive mentoring relationships in STEM fields. By addressing systemic issues, implementing evidence-based policies, and promoting culturally aware mentorship, these initiatives aim to create environments where individuals with diverse backgrounds can thrive. The insights from these articles provide a foundation for understanding the dynamics of mentorship, assessing the impacts of mentorship on individuals and organizations, and developing strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM.

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