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respond to two discussions number the responses one and two. 1) The week’s readi

July 10, 2024

respond to two discussions number the responses one and two.
The week’s reading explored the formal structure and organizational culture, two crucial components of the parent organization that impact the execution and conclusion of the project. It looked at the pros and cons of three main project management structures. It brought to light the fact that, while project-centric management often favors autonomous project teams, a good system strikes a compromise between project demands and organizational requirements. In a hybrid form, the matrix structure arose to allow for the pooling of resources across many projects (Larson & Gray, 2021). Furthermore, the chapter highlighted how project success is impacted by organizational culture, which influences members’ expectations and views. Project managers, need to be sensitive to cultural differences to cultivate an atmosphere that is productive for their teams. This may call for strict delegation of power or even physical separation of teams to establish a positive subculture.
Project management relies heavily on the WBS, priorities, and scope determination. Project deliverables are better defined via scope management, and priorities help in making smart trade-offs. Projects cannot be led only by organizational functions or financial systems since the WBS guarantees thorough task identification and gives two views on organizational responsibilities and deliverables. With this methodical strategy, project control may be effectively implemented, revealing any discrepancies, assigning blame, and pinpointing improvement opportunities.
Answer #1. The culture has an impact on the effectiveness of different project management structures. A functional matrix for example may be effective when the culture is conducive to project management. Therefore it becomes important that the organizations should be able to choose the right structure and ensure culture aligns with it.
Answer #2. Since LL Company has decided to go out and create a high-quality binocular, they need to choose a project management framework that fits well with their current culture and how they run their business. It advises using a project matrix framework for this endeavor. By combining functional and project-based methods, the organization can tap into its extensive knowledge of optical technology and encourage cross-departmental collaboration.
​The LL Company can coordinate the efforts of its many departments, including R&D, production, marketing, and sales, thanks to its project matrix structure. Toto innovates and makes sure the new product is up to par, this team effort is essential. The organization may keep its adaptability, communication, and problem-solving abilities—all of which are critical to the new product development process—by directing project managers to coordinate activities across these areas. To provide a knowledgeable suggestion, it is necessary to learn about the present organizational culture of LL Company, such as the degree of cooperation, communication, and integration across departments. To get insight into the potential performance of alternative structures, it is necessary to understand the company’s past achievements and failures in project management. To further maximize efficiency and product quality, it would be helpful to have information on the available resources, current project management capabilities, and stakeholder expectations. This information could then be used to personalize the project management strategy. With this in-depth knowledge, LL Company may be certain that the selected structure would help it achieve its strategic objectives.
Battistella, C., Bortolotti, T., Boscari, S., Nonino, F., & Palombi, G. (2024). The impact of cultural dimensions on project management performance. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 32(1), 108-130.
Ekemezie, I. O., & Digitemie, W. N. (2024). Best practices in strategic project management across multinational corporations: a global perspective on success factors and challenges. International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 6(3), 795-805.
Larson, E. Q., & Gray, C. F. (2021). Project Management: The managerial process. McGraw Hill Education
Pitkäranta, T., & Pitkäranta, L. (2024, June). Bridging Human and AI Decision-Making with LLMs: The RAGADA Approach. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Query date (Vol. 6, p. 45).
Important Takeaways from Chapter 3 & 4 The organizational structure of a firm is very important to Project Managers. This is vital to Project Managers to understand because it will be directly impacting their projects and it will be important to notate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization to understand room for improvements. Understanding the needs of your project and balancing it with the structure of the organization is key (Larson, 2020). Understanding the work place environment and the culture is also very important because it is what determines the success of the project ultimately. Chapter four discusses part of my favorite aspects of project management. Planning the project and having a WBS is vital to the success of your projects. This is arguably one of the most important parts of planning projects. This will allow you to track your project efficiently throughout the schedule and allow you to make changes throughout the project easily. Culture of an Organization The culture of an organization definitely plays an important role in determining the effectiveness and productivity of projects. In organizations where the teamwork, collaboration, and cross-functional integration are not naturally known, stronger project management structure is mandatory. Having a project management team, project matrices with clear authority and responsibilities from each of the team members is vital for success. A team under the project manager that answers to the project manager exclusively is almost vital for success here. This is because if there is not a collaborative culture, it could be hard to maintain control of the project. If collaboration is absent, a project schedule and matrix with responsibilities is vital because other departments are most likely not going to be willing to collaborate with resources so it must be documented upfront. 3 In the opposite aspect, where organizations have collaboration and teamwork and the culture is supportive of projects that have project managers you would need a matrix that is more functional. This is because you wouldn’t need a rigid structure since there is more flexibility in the project. It would be a lot easier to work together. LL Company In the LL Company, I would recommend a strong matrix with a specific project management team dedicated to the introduction of a new diversification to the product. This is simply because the organization is more than likely set in their ways with how things are done throughout the organization. This could bring about some difficulty with change. However, I think it would be important to utilize the managers that are already over departments since they do have an established expertise in this field. A strong organizational culture is needed to promote the collaborations and resource sharing that should be implemented here.
Larson, E. (2020). Project Management: The Managerial Process. Mcgraw-Hill.

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