2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Respond to these 2 classmate using 2 articles from peer reviewed journals dated from 2016-2021 for EACH response. Response 1.

June 3, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

Respond to these 2 classmate using 2 articles from peer reviewed journals dated from 2016-2021 for EACH response.

Response 1. There are many factors that influence health, other than genetics the factors influencing health are social and economic environment, clinical care available, physical environment, knowledge etc. Our social and economic environment relates and affects the health of the community because having access to education, jobs, health insurance, healthy foods, health insurance, social supports directly impacts us (Melton, 2021). It is also stated that a persons education in conjunction with their income is the highest health predictor (Melton, 2021). People residing in wealthy communities with highly educated individuals have better health and tend to live longer. This has a lot to do with income, because you are more likely to spend money on healthcare and well being when money is not an issue, for people who live paycheck to paycheck they would rather save their money as opposed to spending it on a copay or office visit to just have a well check preformed.
Some policy making scenarios would be increasing the sales tax on products that are linked directly to affecting health such as tobacco products, alcohol, unhealthy foods etc. In 1966, the highway safety act and traffic and motor vehicle safety act set to regulate standards for motor vehicles such as seat belts which reduced injuries and deaths from motor vehicle accidents (“Determinants of health, 2021).
Advanced practice nurses can promote and prevent disease by providing education. Advanced nurses have many leadership qualities and they should have the ability to reach other providers, community members and even fellow nurses. They can join programs and also support with mission trips giving them the opportunity to spread knowledge and help in other countries of need.

Response 2. Myriads of factors impact Prevention-oriented policies. These encompass factors at the societal, national, and personal levels (Sassen, 2018). Knowledge and innovation will determine the emergence of novel methods that can be utilized in disease prevention. Data availability is another critical aspect that must be factored in during policy development. This means that the target population is well analyzed. It will, in turn, provide valuable data on the intervention impacts. Political, social, and economic factors will also inform the priorities set. The resources available to be used by policymakers are impacted by these aspects. Hence, it can either buoy or curtail the development of prevention-oriented policies. Resources available will dictate the effective the implementation will be even if the policy is technically sound. The inherent burden of the disease being prevented on the population or target group will inform policy development.

The advanced practice nurse is strategically placed to prevent diseases and promote health both at the national and international levels. By assessing community and individual needs, the advanced practice nurse can develop design health promotion programs to promote healthy living (Parker & Hill, 2017). They can also ensure adequate resources are available to be used in community outreaches in order to find these individuals away from healthcare facilities. Additionally, the individuals who visit these facilities can be educated on healthy living and disease prevention. They can also design, implement and evaluate health promotion programs after identifying at-risk patients, screen individuals, and educate them. At the international front, advanced practice nurses can influence policymaking. This can be achieved through collaborating with varied stakeholders and policymakers. Moreover, through research, advanced practice nurses can publish evidence-based findings to influence international policies, which will culminate in disease prevention and health promotion. These are some of the ways that advanced practice nurses can impact health promotion and disease promotion both at the national and international levels.

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