1: Respond to the series of questions that help plan out the paper (the outline).Could you follow along well enough?
What areas or questions seem to be needing more development? Why?
What would you suggest developing? What did you find convincing, interesting, or perhaps even helpful for your own writing plans?
Paragraph 2: Read through the annotated bibliography section. Comment on the summaries of the thesis statements or major findings of the sources provided.
Are there any annotations providing details that makes you want to know more about the source? Which ones? Why? Does needing more details about the source mean your peer has been to vague or has your peer provided enough detail to make genuinely interested in this source? If the latter, by all means, take note and go read it yourself.
If the annotations raise new questions for you, try to capture those questions in your letter. This might be giving the writer kudos for raising good question, or it might be you being inspired by their annotations; either way, acknowledge the new ideas you are having in your letter writing
What would you want to know about their source, and why?
Requirements: 1 | .doc file