2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


****Resond to peer*** Critically analyze current practice to formulate researcha

July 1, 2024

****Resond to peer***
Critically analyze current practice to formulate researchable problems:
We are in a healthcare crisis with not having adequate providers, especially in the primary field, to support the needs of the population. Advanced Practice Nurses serve an important role in filling this gap. There are certain entities that are at an increased risk of not receiving adequate medical care, including rural communities, disadvantaged areas, undocumented population, are a few that would benefit in addressing their plight through research, to identify their specific needs.
Evaluate research as the basis for decision-making to improve outcomes through translation into evidence-based practice:
The course study outline provided a progressive step-by-step introduction and review of the many requirements necessary to embark on a research project. The nursing profession, especially in the role of an Advanced Practice Nurse, provides a multitude of researchable problems that needs addressing to translate into evidence-based practices, which will positively affect changes for improved patient outcomes.
Synthesize an understanding of the research process through development of a proposal to address a nursing problem or focus are identified in nursing practice:
There are several steps required for a proper research study, including focusing on a problem, review literature associated with the identified problem. A hypothesis is created to address what is the expected outcome. Choosing an appropriate research design and what effect the strengths and weaknesses of applied design will have on the research project. The subjects to be studied is comprised of the population that is being analyzed. Gathering information gleaned from the tools used in obtaining data, may be placed in a format that is more readily understood, such as an excel spreadsheet. Analysis of the data gathered is important to evaluate whether the hypothesis and expected outcome is met. Providing a report of the findings serve to conclude what was found, evaluate whether the tools implemented were effective, goals met.
Investigate ethical issues related to the conduct of scientific research, including informed consent, data management, data analysis, and protection of human subjects:
The exercise in viewing the course on “Protecting Human Research Participants,” was really effective in thoroughly addressing the importance of applying ethical standards, due to the breeches that previously occurred. Additionally, completing the IRB and Informed Consent letter, impressed upon the detailed efforts that are now in place to guard against the misuse and abuse of human subjects in research.
Explore national and international initiatives and research priorities:
There are issues that are national that translate to international as many issues impact the human population. Some identified research priorities that are common both locally and international are food insecurities, access to care, safe shelter, sanitation, clean water supply, and antibiotic resistant microorganisms, are but a few challenges that would benefit from research intervention from the perspective on how to improve on these significant challenges facing many individuals. 

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