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Researched Informative Speech Content Ungraded, 105 Possible Points105 Points Po

April 13, 2024

Researched Informative Speech Content
Ungraded, 105 Possible Points105 Points Possible
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This is your grade for the Content of your Researched Informative Speech.
Take a careful look at the rubric to understand your grade and to see your feedback.
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COMM 001 – Researched Informative Speech Rubric – CONTENT 6.0
COMM 001 – Researched Informative Speech Rubric – CONTENT 6.0
Criteria Ratings Pts
Attention Getter
7 pts
Model Speaker
Device grabs attention of audience. It is creative, imaginative & thoughtful. Clear attempt to open speech with strong delivery
5.5 pts
Attention device is present, but need to work on delivery
5 pts
Average Speaker
Audience is listening with some attention. Attention device has audience watching/thinking but not very creative.
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Attention device is unrelated to the topic. Seems like a throw away attention device – No creativity, delivery, or thought.
1 pts
Keep Trying
Attention device missing.
/ 7 pts
Relevance to Audience
7 pts
Model Speaker
Relates topic to audience with strong connection and clear reasoning AND the importance of topic is clear to audience.
5.5 pts
Relevance and Importance are present BUT the reasoning for relevance or importance of topic struggles with clarity/effectiveness.
5 pts
Average Speaker
Somewhat relates topic to audience and somewhat hear the importance of topic.
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Attempts to connect topic with audience but is unsuccessful and/or attempts to mention importance but ineffectively.
1 pts
Keep Trying
No attempt made to connect the topic with the audience
/ 7 pts
Credibility Material
7 pts
Model Speaker
Detailed information provided directly relates topic to speaker with strength and clarity. Demonstrates audience can trust speaker
5.5 pts
Convinces audience of a relationship between the topic and speaker. Struggles with demonstrating audience can trust speaker
5 pts
Average Speaker
Topic related to speaker is appropriate. Do not really hear why the audience should trust the speaker.
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Attempts to relate topic to speaker but not very convincing
1 pts
Keep Trying
No credibility established
/ 7 pts
Thesis Statement
7 pts
Model Speaker
Thesis clearly revealed & well-structured for speech & audience. Clearly summarizes the entire speech
5.5 pts
Thesis stated & appropriate for speech & audience. Still need to work on clearly summarizing entire speech
5 pts
Average Speaker
Thesis needs strength, structure, or clarity. The thesis struggles with summarizing the speech. Overall goal of the speech unclear
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Thesis inappropriate or does not relate well to topic. Thesis sounds like a preview (includes the main points of speech)
1 pts
Keep Trying
Thesis Missing
/ 7 pts
Main Point Preview
7 pts
Model Speaker
Previews body of speech in an effective way. Main points of speech are clearly highlighted
5 pts
Average Speaker
Preview is present but struggles with clarity. Difficult to understand all the main ideas OR not all main points in preview.
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Preview sounded like another thesis or general statement. Did not really highlight the main points of the speech
1 pts
Keep Trying
Preview Missing
/ 7 pts
Main Points
7 pts
Model Speaker
Main points are effective & strongly support thesis
5.5 pts
Main points are separate and support thesis
5 pts
Average Speaker
Some main points overlap or redundant
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Some main points are unclear and/or some main points do not seem connected to thesis
1 pts
Keep Trying
Some main points are missing OR main points seem persuasive
/ 7 pts
Supporting information
7 pts
Model Speaker
Main points are effectively supported with a variety of specific facts, stories, analogies, testimonials, and stats, etc. Information is concrete (e.g., specific examples & clearly connected supporting details for major points)
5.5 pts
Main points are supported with convincing evidence. Could use more variety & concreteness with supporting information.
5 pts
Average Speaker
Main points are supported with some evidence. Support may have lacked quantity and/or quality with more specifics.
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Support for main points is insufficient. Clear opportunities missed to expand on details of speech with examples, facts, stories, testimonials, etc.
1 pts
Keep Trying
Support for main points is missing OR support seems to be persuasive rather than informative MUST REDO speech for partial credit
/ 7 pts
Originality of Information
7 pts
Model Speaker
Speaker uses original & non-generic information to support main ideas. Information included in the speech is not significantly taken from sources or A.I.
5 pts
Average Speaker
Supporting information is starting to sound generic or “basic” understanding/information (e.g., Wikipedia page type information)
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Supporting information is mostly generic or “basic” understanding/information
1 pts
Keep Trying
Information included in the speech is generic and sounds significantly taken from sources or A.I. MUST REDO speech for partial credit MUST redo speech for partial credit
/ 7 pts
7 pts
Model Speaker
Complete transitions between main points create effective flow and continuity. Provided transitions between MPs AND between parts of speech (intro, body, conclusion)
5.5 pts
Complete transitions between main points. A few more transitions may have been needed to help with the flow of the speech
5 pts
Average Speaker
Attempts to use transitions between main points, but the transitions need to be clear movement between main points.
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Attempts to use transitions between main points, but the transitions need to be clear movement between main points.
1 pts
Keep Trying
Transitions are missing.
/ 7 pts
Language/Word Choice
7 pts
Model Speaker
The speaker is understandable with accurate grammar & pronunciation used throughout. Language is vivid/concrete, enhances clarity
5 pts
Average Speaker
Language is understandable & clear. Do not see any attempts to include descriptive or vivid language..
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Language is plain AND somewhat unclear. Has many grammar/ pronunciation errors. Word choice questionable. Slang heard often.
1 pts
Keep Trying
Language is offensive or marginalizing.
/ 7 pts
Citations (4-5 required)
7 pts
Model Speaker
4 or more Citations given; each is credible, appropriate, recent and complete. Seamless integration of sources into speech.
5.5 pts
3 Citations provided add support to main points. Need to work on the natural integration of sources into speech.
5 pts
Average Speaker
2 citations provided but one or more lacked credibility or stated improperly. Credibility information you provide needs work
2.5 pts
Novice Speaker
Only 1 citation provided. Credibility information you provided needs work
1 pts
Keep Trying
No citations verbally provided. If no citations, MUST REDO speech for partial credit.
/ 7 pts
Thesis Restatement & Main Point Review
7 pts
Model Speaker
Thesis restatement & main point review restated with clarity and conviction. Clearly summarizes the speech & reminded audience of the main points
5.5 pts
Thesis statement & main point review is provided well. Need to work on delivery (missing conviction).
5 pts
Average Speaker
Thesis statement & main point review is provided but struggles with clarity & summarizing the speech/ main points.
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Thesis statement is provided but seems to mesh with MP review. Thesis and main point review seem interchangeable
1 pts
Keep Trying
Thesis not restated & Main points not reviewed
/ 7 pts
7 pts
Model Speaker
Closing statement is compelling and memorable. Clear ending to the speech
5.5 pts
Closing provided but need stronger delivery to clearly end speech.
5 pts
Average Speaker
Closing provided is average. Need to work on creativity, conviction, and/or delivery.
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Closing is provided but slightly unclear. Audience unaware speech is ending. Delivery struggles.
1 pts
Keep Trying
Closing statement missing
/ 7 pts
Q&A Session (Handling Questions)
7 pts
Model Speaker
Handled questions well & seemed confident (not thrown off by 3-5 questions asked)
5 pts
Average Speaker
Handled questions well, but a few instances of stumbling or being thrown off
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Did not handle questions well and did not seem prepared
1 pts
Keep Trying
Did not have confidence or seemed unprepared for most or all questions being asked.
/ 7 pts
Q&A Session (Answers — Actual or BS)
7 pts
Model Speaker
Provided clear and well-supported (with examples & details) responses to the questions
5 pts
Average Speaker
Provided clear responses to the questions, but the evidence/support/ examples struggled a bit
4 pts
Novice Speaker
Provided general type responses with very little (or none) evidence/support/ examples
1 pts
Keep Trying
Responses were general, unprepared, and lacked support/evidence
/ 7 pts
Total Points: 0

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