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Research paper using Emile Durkheim and Michael Apple as the two thorists for th

June 16, 2024

Research paper using Emile Durkheim and Michael Apple as the two thorists for their view on education and how it affects/affected society. I have pasted the paper instructions underneath.
This paper is an extension of the research proposal that you submitted earlier in the term. This is a comprehensive discussion of a major theorist from two
different time periods. Your paper provides the opportunity to combine the research from a classic theorist such as Marx to a modern day theorist such as Cornell West, Michael Eric Dyson, or Patricia Hill Collins. All papers demand thoughtful synthesis and critical commentary on a contemporary issue related to “Black Lives Matter.” As an example, Marx discussed the relationship of the proletariat to the bourgeoisie and the
ownership of property as a symbol of power and oppression. These concepts could be related to current state of economic deprivation, educational dysfunction, poverty and race from the works of Cornell West.
You have wide latitude in selecting themes/focal points, but in all cases your paper should demonstrate how a sociological theorist addresses overarching/integrative questions about sociological theory. Some preliminary bibliographic sources are provided in the syllabus and your texts. You must consult sociological journals and books for scholarly writing relevant to your theorist. The paper should include understanding of
primary works by the theorists in addition to secondary analysis. The paper should not be written all at once; rather, the paper should be written in
several successive drafts with new levels of sophistication, density, and insight worked into each draft.
Theorist Paper Format:
Introduction (1-2pages). Introduce your theorist and briefly situate him/her in terms of the overarching topics and questions which concern our
understanding of the social world. By the end of the second paragraph it is essential that you have told me what the purpose of your paper is and what
your central argument / thesis is. If you read the first two paragraphs of your paper and the goals and purpose of the paper are not very clear,
please revise. I would also suggest a “map” paragraph at the end of the introduction that tells me where we will be going in the paper. (For
example, “I first explain….then argue….by presenting evidence about three themes….”)
Body (6-8 pages). In this section please present and develop your argument by providing several distinct pieces of information / evidence in
support of it. Durkheim wrote, “My ideas are destined to be modified and reformulated in the future.” Keep in mind a comparative framework
throughout your paper regarding developments, amendments, and disagreements that exist between your theorist and other theorists.
If there is any relevant background to explain about your thesis / argument present that first. (For example, key terms may need a paragraph to
articulate what you mean. Perhaps a brief paragraph or two about the history relevant to your argument would be necessary).
Conclusion (1-2 pages):
By this point, your argument and all of your evidence should be clearly presented. Briefly summarize your argument
here and think about what the implications of your argument are more broadly. If your findings raise questions about other topics covered in this ownership of property as a symbol of power and oppression. These concepts could be related to current state of economic deprivation, educational dysfunction, poverty and race from the works of Cornell West.
You have wide latitude in selecting themes/focal points, but in all cases your paper should demonstrate how a sociological theorist addresses overarching/integrative questions about sociological theory. Some preliminary bibliographic sources are provided in the syllabus and your texts. You must consult sociological journals and books for scholarly writing relevant to your theorist. The paper should include understanding of primary works by the theorists in addition to secondary analysis. The paper should not be written all at once; rather, the paper should be written in several successive drafts with new levels of sophistication, density, and insight worked into each draft.
Paper Requirements:
1. Your final paper should be 8-10 pages. 
2. Include the citations, within the body of your paper, from both
works that you will review from the contemporary and classical
3. Use at least six scholarly sources to reference the social condition that you propose to discuss.
4. Include a complete reference page at the end of paper.
5. Cite all sources in the American Psychological Association (APA) or the American Sociological Association (ASA).

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