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Research Paper: 3500 word minimum. Eight sources (some of them from peer-reviewe

May 10, 2024

Research Paper: 3500 word minimum. Eight sources (some of them from peer-reviewed journals) minimum. MLA format. 
Length: 3500 words. 
You should have a compelling argument and strong supporting evidence in the form of quotations, still images, or clips.
For this paper, you need to choose one of the major works we have read or viewed in class. You have a great deal of leeway in choosing your topic, but this work must be at the center of your paper. You need, however, to clear your topic with me (through the literature review).
Some possible topics include (but not limited to): a more traditional analysis of a character, theme, or symbol of a particular work; how your work speaks to the culture of the time; how your work addresses a certain issue; why your work was groundbreaking, a certain theme a number of different authors explore, etc.
Whatever was the focus of your midterm paper may not be the focus here. 
For this paper, you must have at minimum eight sources. The work you choose counts as one source. Three of your sources must be peer-reviewed; JSTOR or Academic Search Premier are the best resources for finding. Of the remaining four sources, you may use interviews another work from the class, criticism of the work, etc.  
Take pride in your work. The material you hand in should have a clear and professional presentation and should be double-spaced.
You may use images in your paper.
For every 250 words that your paper falls under the minimum, there will be a 10% (40 point) penalty.
How to Write a Successful Paper for this Class:
Have a strong and clear argument. You are in the driver’s seat as the author. Your reader should have a clear idea of where you are going. Avoid equivocation.
Your paper should take your reader on a journey and have a linear shape. Each sentence should build on the previous sentence. Each paragraph should build on the previous paragraph. Your paper should not have a circular shape (e.g. multiple repetitions).
Your paper should be focused and specific. You should be grappling with a few (for you) significant moments in the films and spend time analyzing those moments (maybe that that is a scene, an exchange, a moment, a passage, a character). The more you can drill down, the better your paper will be. If your paper stays general and vague, then it will not be successful. Use quotations from the text(s), but do not let them overwhelm your own prose.
Make sure your framing paragraphs (introduction and conclusion) clearly communicate your ideas. The introduction should serve as the foundation of your argument. An argument is an opinion; the rest of the paper should be in support of that argument. The conclusion should avoid summary and delve into significance. Why is your position important?
Pro tip for introductions: lead with the text(s) and then delve into the idea, theme, question. If you go in that order, you will be able to build a solid foundation for your paper from the jump. If you proceed in the opposite order, it will take you a longer to build that foundation.
Your prose should be sharp and clear. Utilize the rules of formal paper writing in terms of style.
Make sure you cite correctly. That means citing other people’s words AND ideas.
Sources you may not use include but are not limited to:
Encyclopedia and dictionary entries
There are literally hundreds of these short-cut sites online, so many that I cannot list them all here. Suffice it to say that any online site that purports to provide the student with quick and easy answers is out-of-bounds. The best way to avoid using an improper source (and thus suffer a lower grade as a result) is to communicate. If you use an inappropriate source, you will lose points.
Bibliography and all citations must be in MLA format.  Be careful to cite properly all of your work. It goes without saying – but I will mention it any way – that you should avoid plagiarism. If you have questions about how to cite properly, ASK.  Do not use ChatGPT or other AI tools. It is always better to err on the side of caution. Cases of suspected plagiarism will be reported to the Honor Board.
**Note: The two films being compared are documentary Woodstock and Gimme Shelter. 
I did a literature review for this assignment and can attach here, but I need better sources and more information. This is my professor’s comment for the assignment: 
“You have built the foundation for your argument, but you still need to develop your argument. You have the ingredients, now you have to cook the stew. Right now, you are still in a place where you are comparing the two. Think about what the two films tell us together. I only see one peer-reviewed source (McMillian) thus far. For any discussion of film, you are allowed to include visuals. ACID TEST might help you with the music scene; The Grateful Dead appear in the book, and the group was supposed to perform with The Rolling Stones.” **

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