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Research Assignment presents five questions with multiple parts for students to

June 23, 2024

Research Assignment presents five questions with multiple parts for students to answer. The Assignment is designed to expand students’ labor relations knowledge and critical thinking skills.
Five questions:
Question #1. Research and answer the three parts of this question in detail. (CLO 3)
* What is the “Excelsior List” and when can the union expect the employer to provide the list?
* Who may initiate an organizing campaign?
* What is an “Authorization Card” and what is its purpose?
Question #2. Research and discuss the following four unions as to their views on strikes, political action, and the capitalist system. (CLO 3)
* National Labor Union (NLU) founded in 1866.
* Knights of Labor (KOL) founded 1869.
* American Federation of Labor (AFL) founded 1886.
* Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) founded 1905.
Question #3. Research, define and discuss the term “Superseniority.” Why would “Superseniority” be allowed? Is “Superseniority” fair to union employees? Why or why not? (CLO 3 & CLO 4)
Question #4. Research and discuss economic strikes and unfair labor practices. Compare the two. What are the differences when it comes to replacement workers? (CLO 3 & CLO 4)
Question #5. Research and discuss Subcontracting. (CLO 3 & 4)
* Is subcontracting a mandatory or permissive bargaining item?
* Develop, in your own words, a draft two paragraph Subcontracting Article.
Note: Item B. requires students to develop in their own words a two-paragraph subcontracting article. Take the position of being on a union bargaining team. What would you want to include in your subcontracting article?
Use the following CBA for an example of a Subcontracting Article.
Research Assignment Requirements
* First copy and paste the question then post your answer directly under the question.
* Apply your Critical Thinking Skills to answer each question. Critical Thinking Skills include Interpretation, Analysis, Inference, Evaluation, Explanation, and Self-Regulation.
*  Use APA Format. Double space the document. Use 12 points Times New Roman font. Do not include an abstract, executive summary or reference page as part of your document. A cover sheet is required but not counted as part of your document.
* Place the five required web-based references at the end of each question answer.
* Name your file with your last name and Unit number, i.e. Jones6 or Brown6. Your file should be in either Microsoft word (*.doc or *.docx), rich text (*.rft) or PDF format.
* Upload as a single file attachment. No multiple files will be accepted.
* Upload your completed Research Paper document into CANVAS.
* Late Assignment submission is not allowed without the instructor’s permission. Refer to grading rubric Criterion “Due Date” for points reduction.
Research Assignment Resources
Students are required to include “Scholarly” web-based references for each question according to the Research Paper grading rubric. Students may use the Park University Library, Scholarly Articles, Scholarly Journals, Trade Publications, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Federal, State, and Local Government websites, and Union websites.
Research Assignment Notes
* Research Assignment document is due no later than Sunday, 11:59pm (CT) of Unit 6.
* Answers must be in your own words with minimal quoting from web-based references. Web-based references are to support your answers, not be your answers. I am interested in whether the transfer of labor relations knowledge is taking place.
* Paraphrasing is allowed. Paraphrasing means taking the words of others and restating them in your own words.
* Questions on references, paraphrasing, and plagiarism click on this link APA Style and Grammar Guidelines. Links to an external site.
* Be careful not to plagiarize which is using the words of others and presenting them as your own. Always properly cite your web-based references.
* Last minute emergencies, technological problems (computer crashes), etc. will not be grounds for additional time. Be sure to back up and save a copy of your document in case you experience technical problems.
* Questions must be numbered and restated in their entirety at the top of each page and each question should have its own page(s) devoted to it. Do not run question 1 into question 2 on the same page.
* Be sure to include complete website links for references. You should test and retest the URL to be sure that I can see what you want me to see. Complete and active URLs are students’ responsibility. If I cannot see your article, you will not receive credit for that article.
* Sometimes when using electronic or web-based library databases the web site and/or URL you locate requires one to sign up and log in to see the article. I do not wish to have to do so. If a log in is required the student will not earn credit for that website. Check and re-check the URLs you provide to make sure I can see what you want me to see. When utilizing the Park Library site, be sure to obtain the “Permalink” for the article, which is a stable URL. This ensures that I can access the article. You will see this out of the Park databases on the right hand side tools menu, click PERMALINK, and you will see the Permalink box pop up above the article title. Be sure to copy and paste this URL rather than the URL at the top of the page.

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