2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


 Reply to student posts with a reflection of their response.  Please make sure

July 11, 2024

 Reply to student posts with a reflection of their response.  Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.   

Bullying is defined as unwelcome, violent conduct aimed at school-age children that may involve a perceived or real power disparity. It is a behavior that can or will repeat itself over time. Youngsters who bully others or themselves could have detrimental long-term effects. Everyone who is impacted by bullying is affected, including the victim, the perpetrator, and bystanders. For certain actions to be classified as bullying, they must be aggressive.

An Unbalance of Authority: Children who bully others attempt to use their position of authority. which can include popularity, physical prowess, or access to degrading information to dominate or hurt other people. Power disparities can alter over time and under various circumstances, even when they happen between the same individuals. Bullying incidents might happen frequently or have the potential to happen frequently. Acts of physical aggression are included in bullying. or verbal harassment, rumors, threats, and deliberate expulsion from a social group.

There are three different kinds of bullying:

1. Harsh words spoken or written by someone constitute verbal bullying. Here are a few instances of verbal abuse.
2. Relational bullying, sometimes referred to as social bullying, harms a person’s reputation or relationships.
3. The act of physically harming another person’s body or property is known as bullying.

Bullying can happen early in the day or late at night. While most bullying events are reported in schools, a significant percentage also happen in cars and on playgrounds. In addition, it might occur online, in the young person’s neighborhood, or on their way to or from school. Bullying can happen early in the day or late at night. While most bullying events are reported in schools, a significant percentage also happen in cars and on playgrounds. It may also happen online, in the youth’s neighborhood, or when they are going to or from school.

The Connection Between Bullying and Suicide

Bullying and suicide are frequently mentioned together in media reporting. Still, the majority of youth who experience bullying do not consider suicide or take action. Although bullying may not always lead to a youngster taking their own life, it can increase the likelihood. Numerous factors, such as a history of trauma, despair, and domestic problems, raise the chance of suicide. Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender teenagers, as well as Asian Americans, American Indians, and Alaskan Natives, are among the groups that have a greater suicide risk. The risk may rise much more if schools, classmates, and parents do little to assist these children. Bullying has the potential to worsen an atmosphere that lacks support.

Bullying must be stopped by parents, teachers, and other responsible people. They can:

Help kids comprehend what bullying is. Talk about bullying and the most secure approaches to handling it. Teach kids that it is not acceptable to bully others. Ensure that kids know how to ask for assistance.
Keep the lines of communication open. Regularly check in with the children. Observe them. Learn about their pals, heed their worries, and enquire about school. Encourage children to pursue their interests. Special interests, passions, and hobbies can shield kids from bullying, foster relationships, and increase self-esteem.


Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA). (2021, 11 November). How to Prevent Bullying. StopBullying.gov. https://www.stopbullying.gov/prevention/how-to-prevent-bullying

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA). (2023, 1 August). What is bullying. StopBullying.gov. https://www.stopbullying.gov/bullying/what-is-bullying

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA). (2021a, May 21). Effects of Bullying. StopBullying.gov. https://www.stopbullying.gov/bullying/effects

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