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reply to each post with 100 words as if you are me and reply hello (person name)

July 5, 2024

reply to each post with 100 words as if you are me and reply hello (person name)
no generic replies. Each reply should have seprate references 
post 1
Janelle Garcia posted Jul 2, 2024 3:20 AM
Professor and classmates,
Individual therapy involves treating psychological problems on a one-on-one basis, with a professional tailoring the treatment to the client’s needs (American Psychological Association, 2023). For this week’s discussion, I will focus on group therapy and how it presents a different set of ethical issues compared to individual therapy. Below are three sets of ethical issues that I encountered in group therapy. 
Confidentiality in group therapy becomes tricky, mainly because the setting involves a group of individuals. For instance, the professional is obligated to inform all individuals of the limits to confidentiality, but that does not necessarily mean all the group members will maintain confidentiality. So, the professional informing the group members is one thing, but there is no guarantee or certainty that the group members will keep the information confidential, which becomes an ethical issue. Adding to that, it differs from individual therapy because many group members are involved, and there is no assurance that each individual will keep all information confidential. 
Conflicts Between Ethics and Organization Demands
It is common for clinicians to work with a co-leader in group therapy to create a collaborative working relationship to help provide the best treatment for the group, which can have advantages and disadvantages. Based on the discussion focusing on ethical issues, we will focus more on the disadvantages that lead to ethical issues through conflict. For example, complications in co-leading relationships result in communication issues, competition between clinicians, and overdependency on one clinician. If conflict arises and is not resolved effectively, it can create the risk of splitting the group members. The conflict between ethics and organizational demands becomes an ethical issue because they are displaying a lack of responsibility for taking the appropriate steps to resolve the conflict with the general principles and ethical standards of the ethics code due to personal conflict among themselves.
Informed Consent
Informed consent in group therapy entails information about the group, information about the clinician, group interventions, the rights of the group members, and any benefits or risks of participating in the group intervention. Based on the fact that the fact that group therapy is not effective for all individuals, it is highly recommended to screen potential group members. Informed consent becomes an ethical issue in group therapy when individuals are absent for the screening. Members who are not present on the day of the screening may not benefit from the group process and may encounter discouragement with treatment (Yalom, 2005). There are situations where all members can be present for the screening, but the screening is not done due to time constraints or the unsuitability of the setting. 
American Psychological Association. (2023). Apa Dictionary of Psychology. 
Yalom, I. with Leszcz, M. (2005). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (5th ed.). 
New York: Basic Books.
Post 2
Hi Dr. C and Classmates,
Navigating ethical considerations in the realm of couples therapy presents a unique challenge that enriches the therapeutic process while also demanding a careful balance of professional integrity – as well as a strong understanding of relational dynamics. One pivotal ethical issue we read about is the delicate balance of confidentiality within the context of couples’ therapy. Unlike individual therapy where confidentiality primarily involves the therapist and one client, couples therapy involves multiple individuals with distinct perspectives, emotions, and expectations regarding what should remain private or shared. As with most problems, establishing clear guidelines on confidentiality from the onset is paramount; both partners should feel secure in disclosing sensitive information, and both partners should respect each other’s boundaries (Gottman and Gottman, 2015).
Another intricate ethical consideration lies in maintaining impartiality and avoiding alliances with either partner. In couples therapy, the therapist must navigate the complex interaction of relationships, emotions, and dynamics without inadvertently favoring one partner over the other. This demands a heightened awareness of countertransference, where personal biases or experiences may influence therapeutic interactions. This cannot be overstated, and self-reflection is key when growing in awareness of countertransference. By remaining neutral and objective, we can foster an environment where both partners feel equally supported and understood, facilitating a more balanced therapeutic process and equitable outcomes (APA, 2017).
Furthermore, the ethical challenge of dual relationships and boundaries requires careful navigation to uphold professional standards and preserve therapeutic integrity. Couples therapy often involves delving into deeply personal and intimate aspects of each partner’s life, which can blur the lines between professional and personal realms. We must establish and maintain clear boundaries to mitigate the risk of conflicts of interest or potential harm to the therapeutic alliance. This includes refraining from engaging in social, financial, or other non-professional relationships with clients that could compromise objectivity or trust within the therapeutic relationship (ACA, 2020).
These are just three of many ethical issues. With ongoing research and experience, we’ll uncover numerous ethical concerns, both common and unique. And by integrating these learning experiences into our professional framework, we’ll continuously evolve as ethical practitioners.
Thanks for reading!
Gottman, J. M., & Gottman, J. S. (2015). The Gottman method for couples therapy: A theory of relationships. American Psychological Association.
American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, Amended June 1, 2010, and January 1, 2017). https://www.apa.org/ethics/code
American Counseling Association. (2020). ACA code of ethics. https://www.counseling.org/resources/aca-code-of-ethics
post 3
Good evening,
I hope everyone has a wonderful Independence Day and keeps all the fingers and thumbs they started the week with!
Mental health professionals (MHPs) must maintain and uphold all ethical principles. 
Group therapy shares many similarities with individual therapy but poses some nuanced intricacies. While many of the APA Ethical Principles apply to both types of treatment, a few have specific information regarding group therapy. 
Maintaining competence (Section 2.03) is not just important, but crucial for the success of group therapy practice. Competence may come from formal training, assisting or observing others, independent research, reading books, etc. Most MHPs practice individual therapy 95% of the time, while the other 5% or less is spent on group therapy. However, running a group can only be successful if the MHP is not just competent, but proficient in group therapy. The MHP must be able to maintain control of the group, mediate as needed, and facilitate the discussion. With practice, a seasoned MHP who facilitates a mature, small group will do very little, and the members will lead the discussion and treat themselves.
Avoiding harm (Section 3.04) applies to all types of therapy and practice. However, in group therapy, the MHP must also ensure members do not harm each other. Often, personalities may clash, and emotions may run high, resulting in one or more members being triggered by another. The MHP must referee these occurrences to maintain order and keep the peace. Reframing these occurrences properly can lead to deeper discussions, valuable lessons, and greater group cohesion. 
Informed consent and discussing the limits of confidentiality are mandatory in all types of therapy. Group therapy (Section 10.03) requires the MHP to describe the limits of confidentiality and the expectation of all members to maintain the confidentiality of what is shared in the group. Many of us addressed this in last week’s discussion. While it is impossible to ensure complete confidentiality in group settings, the MHP must address the topic verbally and through written informed consent and should have procedures to deal with any members who break the rules. 
Group therapy is an excellent tool for those in similar situations. Members provide insight into what has worked and not worked for them. They will meet others who are struggling with the same issues. They can build relationships, use others as a sounding board, have social interaction if they have disassociated, have a safe space to vent, etc. In many ways, group therapy can lead to greater and faster healing than individual therapy, often at a fraction of the cost.
All the best,

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