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Reply to each post and include in-text citation APA 7th ed format. Post #1: Repl

August 18, 2024

Reply to each post and include in-text citation APA 7th ed format.

Post #1: Reply from Zarita

Hi Krystal, I agree with you on the importance of comprehensive health exams and information for teenagers. It is true that this time of change is crucial for the physical, mental, and social growth of young people. As you mentioned, taking care of both the physical and mental parts of health is important for promoting healthy growth and well-being. For example, teaching young women about sex is important not only to keep them from getting pregnant too soon but also to give them more control over their bodies and sexual health. Westberg et al. (2022) say that teens who get a lot of information about sex can make healthier decisions and have better results. Also, dealing with mental health problems is very important. Studies show that about 20% of teens have problems with their mental health, but many of them don’t get the help they need (Westberg et al., 2022). These issues can be easier to handle with information about tools and assistance. Additionally, health education often overlooks the significance of mental health. A lot of adolescents find comfort and direction in their spiritual views, which can help keep them from having mental health problems or abusing drugs. Respecting and including different belief systems in school programs can make them more useful and successful.


Westberg, K. H., Nyholm, M., Nygren, J. M., & Svedberg, P. (2022, February). Mental Health Problems among Young People—A Scoping Review of Help-Seeking. Int J Environ Res Public Health., 19(3), 1430.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8835517/Links to an external site.

Post #2: Reply from Nicolette

These are good points Krystal, but in addition to this, it is important to evaluate your plan periodically. Focus group discussions with peers which explore participants’ perceptions of the relevance, clarity, and helpfulness of the information presented would provide valuable information as to the effectiveness of the plan. behavior monitoring is also important to determine if there are positive changes over time. It is best to use a combination of different evaluation methods in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of the health teaching over time.

Post #3: Reply from Kylie

Risk-taking behaviors in adolescence are influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. Biologically, the slow development of the prefrontal cortex and the faster development of the limbic system can lead to adolescents prioritizing immediate gratification over long-term safety and can increase participation in risky behaviors like drugs, sex, and dangerous physical activities (Medicine, 2020). Psychological factors at this age play a significant role because adolescents are trying to develop their own identity and autonomy and trying to figure out where they belong. Often, they are defiant and can be rebellious which can lead to them engaging in risky behaviors. Socially, the need for acceptance can influence their decisions to engage in risky behaviors that they might otherwise avoid. Stress can easily amplify the engagement of risky behaviors for adolescents. They face various day to day stressors like academic pressure, family dynamics and social relationships. According to the American Psychological Association, “The majority of Gen Z teens who are in school (81%) report they have been negatively impacted due to school closures as a result of the pandemic (Association, 2020).” When overwhelmed by stress, adolescents may lack the coping skills necessary to manage it effectively. This can lead to poor decision-making and a greater likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors as a way to cope with or escape from stress.

American Psychological Association. (2020, October). Stress in America TM 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2020/report-octoberLinks to an external site.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2020). Promoting Positive Adolescent Health Behaviors and Outcomes: Thriving in the 21st Century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/25552Links to an external site..

Post #4: Reply from Destiny

Physical factors contributing to risk-taking behaviors and situations during adolescence include biological, psychological, and social changes (Casey, B. 2008). The brain is developing during these stages of life. The prefontal cortex is responsible for decision making and impulse control. Therefore, risky behaviors are more common with this age group. Stress plays a significant role in adolescent behavior. High levels of stress can interfere with cognitive functioning making it difficult for adolescents to make rational decisions leading to risky behaviors. The connection of stress and mental health such as anxiety and depression are common in adolescents increasing the risk of risky behaviors as a way to cope with the feelings of stress.


Casey B. (2008). “The Adolescent Brain: Implications for Behavior and Policy.” The Neuroscientist.

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