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Reply to classmates discussion, Dissucssion is as followed: The concept of socia

April 8, 2024

Reply to classmates discussion, Dissucssion is as followed:
The concept of social contract theory is a moral and political philosophy that suggests that people have an implicit agreement to form a government and follow the laws in exchange for their interests and rights. It states that individuals surrender certain freedoms to secure the benefits of a secure and stable society. Due to the concept of social contract theory, various political and legal frameworks have been developed that govern the relationship between citizens and the state. These frameworks also contain the principles that underlie criminal law. The legitimacy of the government and the rule of law can be established through the theory of social contract. It states that the government derives its power from the consent of the people, and its laws are regarded as expressions of the people’s collective will. As a result, everyone is expected to follow the laws of the state. The concept of social contractual theory provides a basis for debates about the purpose and justification of punishment in the criminal justice system, which is often focused on upholding the principles of social order and preventing criminal activity. Proponents of this theory claim that punishment is necessary to protect the rights and interests secured by law-abiding citizens and deter criminal behavior. On the other hand, those who violate this agreement are subjected to punishment as punishment.
Relative and absolute ethics are two different ways of deciding whether or not something is morally right. An absolute ethics principle states that certain actions are morally right or wrong regardless of their consequences and circumstances. This means that all people should follow moral principles at all times. For instance, one can assume that killing an innocent individual is always wrong regardless of their situation. Absolute ethics is different from relative ethics, which states that what is considered to be morally right can vary depending on various factors, such as the context and culture. This concept of moral relativism also indicates that what is considered to be ethical for one group may not be so for another. For instance, a certain behavior may be considered morally acceptable in one culture but considered wrong in another.
Even though there are generally strict ethical standards in the criminal justice system, it often encounters situations where solutions can be difficult to come by. There are also various ethical issues that arise when it comes to the pursuit of justice. For instance, the use of a plea bargain can raise concerns about the potential for a wrongful conviction. These include racial bias in the police, the disparity in the sentences handed down to those convicted, and the treatment of individuals with mental health conditions. The interactions between social justice, law, and ethics are often complex. The decisions made by criminal justice officials, such as prosecutors and police officers, can also introduce ethical issues when they do not have clear guidelines in place.

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