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Replay to two colleagues separately by critiquing their strategies for applying

June 13, 2024

Replay to two colleagues separately by critiquing their strategies for applying psychoeducation and providing suggestions for how to approach the situation differently. Additionally, share at least one community resource in your area that could help Marcus and his family.
Post an analysis of how the social environment has contributed to Marcus’s psychological functioning. In what ways has trauma impacted Marcus’s daily functioning? Describe how you as the social worker would integrate elements of psychoeducation with Marcus and his family. How would you adapt psychoeducation for the cognitive level of the family member?
Marcus experienced a significant decline in his psychological well-being due to the traumatic situations he faced during his military service. This had a profound impact on his ability to lead a fulfilling life, both emotionally and physically. Marcus grappled with ongoing feelings of restlessness, frustration, anger, and a pervasive sense of worthlessness, all of which hindered his daily functioning (Zastrow et al., 2019).
Due to the cognitive and physical distortions Marcus has been facing, his ability to pursue his ambitions and achieve his goals has been significantly hindered. As a result, carrying out even the simplest daily tasks has become a major challenge for him. These difficulties have not only taken a toll on his personal well-being but have also put a significant strain on his relationships with his wife and son. His inability to effectively address these issues has led to emotional and physical exhaustion, as well as strained communication within his marriage. Moreover, Marcus has begun to display a noticeable lack of interest in fulfilling his role as a father (Walden University, LLC., 2021).
In my role as a social worker, it is essential to approach the intricate and multifaceted issues that arise with a holistic perspective. This means carefully considering the broader impact on the entire family unit, recognizing the interconnectedness of the family members and their individual needs. By taking a person-centered approach I would be able to recognize the inimitable challenges and circumstances of each family member, we can develop tailored interventions that not only provide comprehensive support for Marcus but also effectively address the collective well-being of the entire family.
It may be necessary to offer counseling services to help them cope with the emotional toll of the situation. This can provide a safe space for Marcus, his wife, and his son to process their feelings, build resilience, and strengthen their relationships. Additionally, exploring community resources and support networks for Marcus, such as support groups can help alleviate some of the stress and strain on Marcus as he creates a new norm filled with the positives of life rather than the life he had while serving in the military (Herzog et al., 2020).  
Marcus’s social environment has played a significant role in his psychological functioning, mainly through his military experiences and the challenges of reintegration into civilian life. His multiple deployments exposed him to intense combat situations and the trauma of explosions, leading to physical injuries and a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). These experiences have left lasting impacts on his mental health, manifesting as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to Zastrow et al. (2019), post-traumatic stress disorder is defined as the long-term psychological distress suffered by someone who has experienced a terrifying, uncontrollable event. People with PTSD may have flashbacks to the traumatic experience, disturbing dreams, emotional numbing, and nervousness. This disorder may persist for years. The person may also develop fears of situations connected with the traumatic event (p. 548). Upon returning home, Marcus faced difficulties reconnecting with his family and adjusting to a non-military lifestyle. His struggle to find an emotional connection with his wife and son, lack of motivation to pursue employment or education, and the persistent intrusive memories from his combat experiences illustrate how the social environment of both his military service and civilian life has contributed to his psychological state. The isolation and lack of purposeful engagement have exacerbated his symptoms of PTSD, such as nightmares, loss of appetite, irritability, and hypervigilance. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2022), Marcus would have met the DSM-5 Criteria for PTSD. The criteria specify symptoms such as direct exposure, emotional distress after exposure to traumatic reminders, and trauma-related thoughts or feelings. In this case, trauma has significantly impacted Marcus’s daily functioning. His PTSD symptoms have interfered with his ability to sleep, maintain a healthy weight, and manage his temper. he also experienced intrusive memories of combat experiences, leading to episodes of dissociation, where he spends long periods staring into space, disconnected from his surroundings. This disconnection affects his ability to be present and attentive to his family, contributing to feelings of emotional numbness and difficulties in personal relationships (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2022).
Sarkhel et al. (2020) defined psychoeducation as the process of teaching clients with mental illness and their family members about the nature of the illness, including its etiology, progression, consequences, prognosis, treatment, and alternatives. As a social worker in the case of Marcus, integrating psychoeducation into Marcus’s treatment plan will involve educating both Marcus and his family about PTSD, its symptoms, and its impact on daily life. This includes providing Marcus and his family with information about PTSD, how it develops, and its common symptoms, which can help them understand Marcus’s behaviours and emotional responses. It will be essential to teach Marcus coping strategies to manage his symptoms, such as grounding techniques for dealing with intrusive thoughts, relaxation exercises for reducing anxiety, and healthy sleep hygiene practices, is crucial. Sarkhel et al. (2020) highlight the value of familial involvement in supporting Marcus and the value of educating Marcus’s wife, Tamika, and son, Jayson, about how they can help Marcus by teaching them to recognize his triggers and respond in a supportive and understanding manner. For Tamika, using clear, straightforward language to explain PTSD and its effects, providing written materials or resources that she can read at her own pace, and encouraging open communication where she can ask questions and express concerns are effective strategies.

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