Watch the videos on gender development
(copy and paste)
Consider the ways in which the Hispanic culture establishes, enforces, and encourages gender development of children and adolescents and then provide the following in a one page summary:
Reflect upon and report how gender identity was discussed, displayed, or enforced within your family, culture, and community. Provide at least two examples of how this was demonstrated. ( my family was not accepting of this, a child was to identify as straight only)
Include a visual picture, advertisement, song, or representation of how you feel gender roles are represented in our community.
Discuss your current understanding and feelings of gender development and as a social worker how you may work with families to develop gender roles. Includes a minimum of two examples.
paper must be in APA format and must cite sources
we are using the following book this semester
Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity
Janell L. Carroll
Cengage Learning
6th ed.