Reflect on the content assigned for Week #7 using the below questions as a guide, at a minimum:
1- Research the Durham-Humphrey’s Amendment (1951). What were its most significant impacts on pharmacy practice?
2- Select a law or regulation, past or pending, and do historical research on it. Reflect on the Law’s impacts (or projected impact) and your experience in researching it? What was your approach to finding the information you needed.
3- Locate additional resources for the content of Week #7 (besides the Durham-Humphrey’s Amendment, Affordable Care Act, and your selection above). Describe what you found and its usefulness to this course.
4- How effective were the assigned readings in presenting this information?
5- What other relevant questions would you ask about this content?
Content for Week 7:
-AIHP PowerPoint (attached to files)
-State Regulation of Pharmacy Practice pages 761 to 780 (pdf attached to files)
-Standards of Practice pages 791 to 802 (pdf attached to files)