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Reading Quiz 3: Bhagavad Gita Download this document and then, underneath each q

June 24, 2024

Reading Quiz 3: Bhagavad Gita
Download this document and then, underneath each question, type your answer. Submit your completed quiz to the appropriate iCollege drop box. The purpose of the quiz is to give credit to students who read the assigned documents posted in iCollege. This means that credit for each item (4 points each) will be awarded only to answers that come from the assigned reading posted in iCollege. To answer these questions, do not refer to or use any other version or translation of the Gita other than the one posted in iCollege. Answers must be spelled as they appear in the assigned reading. SPELLING MATTERS.
EXCEPTION: In the Norton anthology’s introduction to the Bhagavad Gita and in the introductory essay titled “India’s Ancient Epics and Tales,” the editors spell Krishna as Krsna and Vishnu as Visnu (with dots under some letters). This is annoying. In your own writing, please use the standard spellings: Krishna and Vishnu. That’s what your instructor does.
Note: The following questions cover ALL the documents on the Bhagavad Gita posted in iCollege. It’s your job to find out which document contains the answer to each question. Do not use any documents other than the ones posted in iCollege.
The Bhagavad Gita is part of the Mahabharata, which was composed over a period of about 800 years. According to our posted documents, when did this period begin and when did it end?
Type your answer here:
2.Most of the Bhagavad Gita is a conversation between the human warrior Arjuna and his chariot driver, who is an avatar of the god Krishna. Krishna, in turn, is an incarnation of a higher deity named Vishnu. Provide one missing word to complete the following quotation from the Norton anthology: Vishnu “is often characterized as the god of
”. (You must supply the exact same word used in the document posted in iCollege.)
Type your answer here:
3.  The Bhagavad Gita was originally written in an ancient sacred language called Sanskrit, which is linguistically related to both Greek and Latin. Experts believe that all three languages derive from an earlier language called _________________. (one word with two hyphens).
Type your answer here: 
4 .Complete the following quotation: “But your atman should not be equated with your personality: your unique individuality made up of your personal history with all your fears, desires, hopes, talents, loves, passions, faults and foibles – i.e., your ego-driven, subjective self. All that is not your atman. All that you will ______________.” (four words. You must supply the exact four words in the document posted in iCollege).
Type the four words here:
5.Complete the following quotation: “To use our dream analogy, to achieve moksha is to ____________________.” (14 words. You must supply the exact fourteen words in the document posted in iCollege).
Type the words here:
6.Complete the following quotation: “Yoga can be translated as ‘discipline,’ and the term can refer to any of several forms of disciplinary conduct that are designed to ____________________.” (five words. You must provide the exact five words in the document posted in iCollege.)
Type the five words here:
7.  Complete the following quotation: “Brahman is constitutive of all things; Brahman is the ground of all being; Brahman ___________.” (Nine words. You must provide the exact nine words in the posted document.)
Type the nine words here:
8. The Bhagavad Gita discusses many types of yoga, but it is famous for promoting a form of yoga based on devotion, love, and grace. This type of yoga is known as _______________ (one word).
Type your answer here:
9. The Bhagavad Gita is made up of groups of four lines known as stanzas. Each stanza is numbered. In your own words, paraphrase stanza 39 on page 1295. When you paraphrase, you rewrite a passage in entirely different words, using different sentence structure, but you keep the meaning the same. You must say the same thing as the original does, but you must say it in your own original way. Do NOT write your paraphrase in poetic form. Just write regular sentences.
Type your paraphrase here:
10.Paraphrase stanza 29 on page 1297. As with item 9 above, do NOT use poetic form. Just write regular sentences.
Type your paraphrase here:

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