2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Read the following case studies, and compose a document as indicated below. Part

July 9, 2024

Read the following case studies, and compose a document as indicated below.
Part 1- Letter
Please use Block Letter with Mixed Punctuation. 
Patient Mr. Charles Bennet, Insurance Holder
Insurance company & address below:
Sun Life Assurance Company
1 York Street
Toronto, Ontario M5J 0B6
Mr. Charles Bennet is a new patient at the dental clinic in which you are the office administrator/manager. He has recently received a new patient exam and requires multiple dental interventions as evidenced in the Dr.’s assessment/chart and treatment plan. Mr. Bennet also has 4 impacted wisdom teeth (Impacted wisdom teeth needing extraction {1-8, 2-8, 3-8, 4-8}) and Type 2 Diabetes. Mr. Bennet however only has limited Insurance coverage for dental treatment, and is unable to pay out of pocket for more extensive work. He has full coverage for restorations for which he needs four, but also requires either (root canal therapy (RCT) on tooth 1-6 and a full porcelain crown (FPC) to help the tooth from fracturing beyond repair since it is heavily restored, or an extraction on tooth 1-6. This is an emergency procedure as the patient is in pain, and the dentist feels an extraction of the diseased tooth could lead to further infection and deleterious side effects due to his Type 2 Diabetes.
Enclosure:  panoramic radiograph, 1 bitewing radiograph, 5 periapical radiographs and intraoral pictures.
Please write a letter to Mr. Bennet’s insurance company on behalf of the dentist explaining the medical need for this procedure. Outline the above information and explain the need for increased insurance coverage for this procedure. 
Ensure proper formatting, spelling and grammar are used. Reference How to Key a Letter within the module for set up.
Part 2- Memo
See Memo Formatting Everything You Need to Know for the proper layout information to help you create your own memo. 
As the clinic owner, you receive notification that the linen company has raised their prices effective next month.  
Create a business memo to send to your team of RMT’s stating that moving forward, the price of laundry services has been increased to $300 per month (divided by all 4 therapists).
Ask if they would like to continue receiving these services at the new price, or if they would like to discontinue the laundry service at this time.  
Make up the name of your clinic and linen company. Ensure proper formatting, spelling and grammar are used. *Be sure to add the contact information so the RMT’s can reach out with their answer.
Part 3- Phone Script
Cara is a Medical Laboratory Assistant working for Larden West Hospital. She is in the back of the lab helping with setting urines up for culture, starting the analyzers, separating serum and plasma, along with setting up pregnancy urine tests. Cara notices in her bucket of urines that one of the HcG urines is her best friend Stephanie’s. She thinks nothing of it and performs the test. Cara cannot release the result, but she can see the result. It’s positive. 
Cara gets this phone call:
Cara: “Hey Steph how’s it going?”
Stephanie: “I’m feeling pretty low. Jared (husband) and I have been trying for a baby for over 3 years now and are not having any luck! I just wish it would happen for us. It puts so much stress on our relationship.”
“Hey! Wait a second. You work at the lab I just did HcG urine at. Did you run my result? Am I pregnant? Please tell me Cara! My marriage is riding on this!”
1. Can she give Steph the result and just tell her to keep it a secret?
2. What could happen to Cara if she gave the result to Stephanie?
3. Do you think Stephanie will forgive Cara?
Create a phone script for this scenario, what do you think Cara should say in this situation? Also, provide your answers to the 3 questions. Give specifics for your expressed reasons in your answers to the questions.

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