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Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 7, 8 Le

July 27, 2024

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 7, 8
  • Lesson 3
  • APA style manual
  • Citation and Writing Assistance: Writing Papers At CU
  • Library Overview
  • How to Search for Articles – the Everything Tab


Social Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches.

For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have a DreamLinks to an external site. speech and a speech by Alicia Garza of the Black Lives Matter movementLinks to an external site. and answer questions listed below. Pay special attention to the following aspects in the two speeches.

  • Importance of body language while delivering the speech.
  • Gestures, cadence and delivery style.

Answer the following:

    1. Provide a summary of the two speeches.
    2. Compare Dr. King’s leadership, charisma, power and passion to capture his audience to Alicia Garza’s speech. What are the similarities, if any? What are the differences, if any?
    3. How does the location of the speeches support their messaging? Dr. King’s speech was held in a church and at the Lincoln Memorial, whereas today we have social networking and more avenues to relay messages. Does messaging make a difference?
    4. Describe how the audience in Dr. King’s speeches relate to the Alicia Garza’s audience. Do you see a similarity or differences in the speeches and in the audience?


  • Length: 2-3 pages of substantive content
  • 12 pt font
  • Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style  
  • References page (a minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome) .
  • Title page.

Technology Resources:


This activity will be graded based on the Written Assignment Grading Rubric.


CO 2: Relate the articles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to specific issues or cases regarding freedoms and their rights as citizens.

CO 4: Assess the role of social forces such as the media, think tanks, political action committees, and quasi-governmental bodies in the making of domestic and foreign policy.

CO 6: Critically analyze the American political environment and issues relating to present day using primary and secondary sources.

Due Date

By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday


Week 3 – Analyzing Body Language

Week 3 – Analyzing Body Language

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength

15 pts

The assignment is at least 2- 3 pages long.

13 pts

The assignment is at least 2 pages long

11 pts

Assignment is 1½ page in length

10 pts

Assignment is 1 page in length

0 pts

No effort

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Speeches

20 pts

Paper begins with a clear and concise summary of both speeches

17 pts

Paper provides a summary of both speeches, but more detail could be added.

15 pts

Paper provides a summary of both speeches but is short on specifics

13 pts

Paper provides a summary of one speech. Second summary and details incomplete

0 pts

No effort

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLeadership and Charisma: Similarities and differences between Dr. King and Alicia Garcia’s speech

35 pts

Provides a thoughtful and clear description of the ways Dr. King and Alicia Garza capture their audience and make their points

31 pts

Provides a thoughtful description of the ways Dr. King and Alicia Garza capture audience and make their points to the audience

27 pts

Provides some description of the ways Dr. King and Alicia Garza capture audience and make their points to the audience

24 pts

Minimal description of the ways Dr. King and Alicia Garza capture audience and make their points to the audience

0 pts

No effort

35 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLocation Impact

30 pts

Clearly discusses the significance of the locations in reinforcing Dr. King’s message and that of Alicia Garza

26 pts

Discusses the significance of the locations in reinforcing Dr. King’s message and that of Alicia Garza.

23 pts

Mentions the significance of the locations in reinforcing Dr. King’s message and that of Alicia Garza

20 pts

Minimal mention of the significance of the locations in reinforcing Dr. King’s message and that of Alicia Garza

0 pts

No effort

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAudience Reaction: Compare and Contrast

35 pts

Draws clear, explicit connection between the audience reaction and Dr. King’s vocal intonations and body language in comparison/contrast to Alicia Garza.

31 pts

Draws good connection between the audience reaction and Dr. King’s vocal intonations and body language in comparison/contrast to Alicia Garza.

27 pts

Some connection between the audience reaction and Dr. King’s vocal intonations and/or body language in comparison/contrast to Alicia Garza.

24 pts

Minimal connection between the audience reaction and Dr. King’s vocal intonations and/or body language in comparison/contrast to Alicia Garza.

0 pts

No effort

35 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting: Mechanics and Usage

20 pts

The writing is concise, free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

17 pts

The writing is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

15 pts

The writing contains some errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

13 pts

The student presents information that is not clear, logical, professional or organized to the point that the reader has difficulty understanding the message

0 pts

No effort

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations

10 pts

The references are provided in accurate APA format.

8 pts

The references contain 1 error in APA format.

7 pts

The references contain 2 errors in APA format.

6 pts

The references contain 3 or more errors in APA format.

0 pts

No effort

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences

10 pts

Provides two outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson

8 pts

Provides two scholarly sources, one of which is the textbook and/or the weekly lesson

7 pts

Provides two scholarly sources.

6 pts

Provides one scholarly source

0 pts

No effort

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