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read/review the following resources for this activity: Psychology 2eLinks to an

April 3, 2024

read/review the following resources for this activity:
Psychology 2eLinks to an external site.
Chapters: 14-14.5, 12-12.7
Stress can be an everyday part of our lives from work, school, and family obligations. How we cope with the negative effects of stress can have an impact on our overall well-being. Complete the “How Do You Cope” handoutLinks to an external site. and discuss your predominant coping strategy. Define stress and discuss the negative and positive effects of stress on overall well-being. Research a specific coping strategy and reflect upon how it may be effectively utilized in the stressful situations you may face. How does your chosen coping strategy impact the effects of stress? Be sure to include a brief reflective personal conclusion.
Examples of coping strategies to research include, but are not limited to:
Transcendental meditation
Medicinal solutions
Guided imagery or visualization
Diaphragmatic exercises
Loving-kindness meditation
Physical activity or exercise
Social support
Self-care activities
Effective communication techniques
Time management strategies
Diet and nutrition
You will need to cite at least the textbook for definitions and to identify diseases and the physical, psychological, and emotional signs of chronic stress.
References page (may use outside scholarly source plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson) in APA format.
Chamberlain Library search pages with links to relevant articles
ConsciousnessLinks to an external site.
Social psychologyLinks to an external site.
This activity will be graded based on the assignment rubric.
CO 1: Assess theoretical perspectives related to human behavior, including physiological explanations for changes in behavior.
CO 3: Examine the physiological and psychological impact of stress, and various techniques for stress management.
PSYC110 Week 6 Assignment Rubric – NOV23
PSYC110 Week 6 Assignment Rubric – NOV23
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: Defining stress
10 pts
Defines stress clearly in 4-5 sentences.
7.5 pts
Addresses most aspects of stress (3 sentences).
5 pts
Addresses some aspects of stress in only 2 sentences.
0 pts
No effort
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: Identifying a disease caused by stress
10 pts
Identifies and describes in detail a disease connected with stress in 4-5 sentences.
7.5 pts
Identifies and describes in detail a disease connected with stress in only 3 sentences.
5 pts
Identifies and describes in detail a disease connected with stress in only 2 sentences.
0 pts
No effort
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: Describing a stressful condition and explaining chronic stress’s common physical, psychological, and emotional signs
30 pts
Thoroughly explains a stressful condition with an example. The example is correlated with all three physical, psychological, and emotional signs of chronic stress.
20 pts
Explains a stressful condition with an example. The example correlates with any two physical, psychological, and emotional signs of chronic stress.
10 pts
Adequately explains a stressful condition with an example. The example is correlated with only one of the physical, psychological, and emotional signs of chronic stress.
0 pts
No effort
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: Analysis of a specific coping strategy
20 pts
A coping strategy is thoroughly explained in 4-5 sentences describing both thoughtful and behavioral efforts to manage stressful conditions.
10 pts
A coping strategy is explained in 3 sentences describing either thoughtful or behavioral efforts to manage stressful conditions.
5 pts
A coping strategy given in 2 sentences does not describe either thoughtful or behavioral efforts to manage stressful conditions.
0 pts
No effort
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: How coping strategies may be effectively utilized in additional stressful situations
10 pts
Analysis of two additional coping strategies and their application in relieving stress, using at least 4-5 sentences.
7 pts
Analysis of only one additional coping strategy and its application in relieving stress, using at least 3 sentences or two strategies but no application in 3 sentences.
5 pts
Either analysis of a coping strategy or its application in relieving stress are described, using at least 2 sentences.
0 pts
No effort
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: Analyze some techniques that can be used to reduce or eliminate stress
10 pts
All 10 statements have a “P” indicating problem-focused or an “E” indicating emotion-focused.
7 pts
Seven statements have a “P” indicating problem-focused or an “E” indicating emotion-focused.
4 pts
Four statements have a “P” indicating problem-focused or an “E” indicating emotion-focused.
0 pts
No effort
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: APA References Page
10 pts
All sources are properly cited in the text and references page.
8.5 pts
Most sources are cited in the text and references page.
7.5 pts
Some sources are cited in the text and references page.
0 pts
No effort
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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