2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


 Read and provide a reply in 250 words

November 28, 2022
Christopher R. Teeple

 Read and provide a reply in 250 words-

Aligning Stockholder and Management Interests &Time Value of Money/Markets


Part 1: Stockholders and Management Interests

A variety of smart decisions are used to enhance the company’s competitiveness and help it reach its objectives. Better strategies to fulfil the objectives and keep a relevant strategy to accomplish the stated goals are essential in determining competitiveness across various company enterprises. The corporation has to figure out how to handle the main based on long-term objectives and wealth. The company’s focus on maximizing stockholder value has aided its recognition of the need of generating income to fulfil customers’ demands. The failure to properly maximize shareholder wealth may lead to a variety of inefficient and ineffectual approaches to achieving the company’s aims (Benn, Abratt  & O’Leary, 2016).

Ultimately, businesses might make poor choices that waste resources. When it comes to making judgments and deciding how to get things done, some managers’ perspectives and biases are more consistent than others’. Data shows that not everyone benefits from the company’s decisions, providing valuable insight on how to eliminate bias in the workplace. The United States employs a slanted method of decision-making and has mastered the art of profit-maximizing decision-making management.

Motivational Tools to Be Used

When thinking about how to raise the bar for employee performance, the company’s leadership is considering the use of motivating techniques. Staff members need incentives to help them prioritize their own goals and develop skills to strengthen the company’s partnerships. Incentives play a crucial role in ensuring a healthy equilibrium between the needs of management and those of shareholders. The management uses two primary motivators, such as salary and benefits, to keep employees engaged. This strategy allows the organization to pursue a wide variety of commercial operations in an effort to achieve its goals (Clark, 2019).

Realistic Compensation Packages

The details of the realistic pay packages have been of great assistance in many ways and have energized the firm to devote its full efforts to functioning smoothly. It’s a unique instrument for inspiring people to work harder in a variety of context. Pay packages should be applied consistently across all fields. The company’s management has to figure out how to get in touch with leaders who can give the compensation packages as well as minimize the possibility of interference from the packages as well as other variables that impede operational activity.

Giving Stakeholders the Freedom to Intervene Directly

Companies use incentive plans to encourage their employees to take pride in the work they perform and to feel like they have some control over how they are compensated.

Effectiveness of Motivational Tools in Solving Conflicts

It’s important for the company’s leadership to get an understanding of the many incentive strategies utilized to keep a competitive remuneration plan in place. The leaders of the company need to figure out what causes the problems and what can be done to resolve them. Shareholders and executives alike depend on the rules to ensure that remuneration is adequate for the achievement of their aims. The top brass of the company should make getting great results a priority by offering competitive pay and benefits. In an effort to boost the company’s productivity, they were both involved in weighing their options and making judgments.

Stockholders ultimately participate in direct engagement across a variety of areas, offering advice on how to improve the company’s performance while reducing risks. Conflicts with managers may be avoided if the company’s management takes the necessary precautions. When managers and stockholders have a two-way conversation, the conversation usually ends up better for everyone involved. The issue between management and shareholders is resolved, and stockholder satisfaction is raised as a result of the involvement.

Part 2: Application of Concepts/Time Value of Money

In a financial proposal, the time value of money may be used to calculate an approximate cost and benefit for achieving the desired outcomes. For instance, there are two ways the corporation may donate around $50,000. It’s up to you whether you want to finish before then or set it aside for a later date. The initial thought is to wait until the future to take out the same amount that has been taken now and put that money to work for the company in the form of interest (Jaggi, Khanna & Nidhi, 2016). The time value of money is an important consideration, and one that calls for careful analysis and projections of the firm ‘s financial future, according to studies on this topic. Business managers need to gamble by betting on one investment that will make or break the company.


Benn, S., Abratt, R., & O’Leary, B. (2016). Defining and identifying Stockholders: Views from management and Stockholders. S.Afr.J.Bus.Manage, 47(2), 1-11. doi:10.4102/sajbm.v47i2.55

Clark, W. (2019). Goals of Managers & Stockholders. Retrieved from Small Business: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/goals-managers-stockholders-39185.html

Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A., & Nidhi. (2016). Effects of inflation and time value of money on an inventory system with deteriorating items and partially backlogged shortages.  International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 7(2), 267-282. doi: 10.5267/j.ijiec.2015.10.003

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