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Questions to Address:  Chapter 13, pages 231-232, Questions 2, 11, & 12 Question

June 22, 2024

Questions to Address: 
Chapter 13, pages 231-232, Questions 2, 11, & 12
Question 2: Why should an interviewing manager review all available information about an applicant before beginning an interview? Managers are busy people. Is arriving for an interview with an application in hand and then beginning an interview on time not sufficient?
Question 11: Why should an interviewing manager attempt to assess an applicant’s intangible factors that are not directly reflected in the record of education or experience?
Question 12: Why is it advisable to keep writing to a minimum while interviewing an applicant? Is it not helpful to capture as much information as possible about the person?
Team: Chapter “Discussion Points” Question Assignments:
Each Team Chapter “Discussion Points” Question Assignments shall include: 
A list of participating and non-participating student names. And screen shots evidencing compliance by each student with the Team Work Assignment Guidelines & Requirements  noted above. Each team spokesperson shall submit for their team. Only one submission per team permitted.
Complete detailed answers addressing each of the questions using proper English and proper APA Style for citations and references only.
2.1.1 The question(s) must be repeated in full and
2.1.2 Followed by the team’s narrative response which must include substantively use the source(s) .
2.1.3 The reference(s) used in each narrative response to a question shall follow immediately after the answer and before proceeding to the next question.
At least three(3)  “External Authoritative Sources” are required in addition to the textbook for maximum points on EACH question/answer. Additionally: 
3.1.1  Each paragraph and/or each substantive issue addressed in an answer must have at least one “External Authoritative Sources” cited (not including the text book).
3.1.2 It is unacceptable to have paragraph(s) and/or substantive narrative on issue(s), with zero sources cited and then have one paragraph or answer contain all “external authoritative sources” and the text book.
The assigned cases are as follows. See Course Calendar for Due Dates.
Module III- Conducting a Successful & Legal Selection Interview, Chapter 13: pages 231-232; questions 2, 11 & 12
A source cannot be referenced unless it was cited in the narrative answer.
The text book must be cited just like any other source. It is not permissible to write “In the text book…” or in the case study…”
Any direct quote in the narrative must include the page or paragraph number at the end of the citation.
It is improper to place a citation/source at the end of a paragraph if material from the source appears before the last sentence in the paragraph.
It is improper to place a citation in the middle of a sentence. One can lead with the source in the sentence but cannot use a citation within parenthesis except at the end of the sentence.
“External Authoritative Sources” for purposes of this course shall mean: articles from published books, peer reviewed journal articles, education and government sites as well as non-partisan national or international organizations (such as WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS etc) provided, however the article selected has:
Authors and
In text citations and references to support statements made therein.
Under no circumstances are newspapers (e.g., the Wall Street Journal), blogs (regardless of source), editorials, panel discussions, definition of terms, the assigned case study, “dot com” sites, and text books from the course or other courses to be used. The foregoing are not considered authoritative for this course.
11. It is recommended students review the adobe connect session with FIU Libraries and Writing Center on APA Style formatting and contact them personally if more assistance is needed.
12. Proper Submission Required: The assignment must be posted in the appropriate Assignment Folder.
Grading Rubric:
Advanced Beginner
All assigned questions/issues were answered in their entirety; the narrative is in the students’ own words; and there are at least 3 external authoritative sources substantively used in each question/issue narrative.  
The submission complies with the proper APA style of in-text citations and references 
Most of the assigned questions/issues were answered; and/or a significant part of the narrative is not in the students’ own words; and/or less than 3 external authoritative sources were used in each question/issue narrative. 
The submission mostly complies with the proper APA style of in-text citations and references. 
Some of the assigned questions/issues were not answered in their entirety and most; and/or some of the content was not original or a string of direct quotes; and/or less than 2 external authoritative sources per issue/question on one or more than one issue/question narrative. 
The submission minimally complies with the proper APA style for in-text citations and references 
Few to None of the assigned questions/issues were answered in their entirety; and/or most if not all, of the content was not original or a string of direct quotes; and/or only 1 external authoritative sources per issue/question on one or more than one issue/question narrative.
The submission does not comply with the proper APA style for in-text citations and references 
Human Resources
All of the submission narratives design approaches for improving regulatory practices to manage personnel based on best practices for the organization in addressing each issue/question.
Most of the submission narratives mention but do not fully design approaches for improving regulatory practices to manage personnel based on best practices for the organization in addressing each issue/question.
Some of the submission narratives mention design approaches for improving regulatory practices to manage personnel based on best practices for the organization in the narratives. 
Few to none of the submission narratives mention design approaches for improving regulatory practices to manage personnel based on best practices for the organization in the narratives. 
Healthcare Information Systems
All of the submission narratives evaluate healthcare management systems, data, privacy, security, and interoperability to address administrative and clinical processes considering enhancements within the organization in addressing each issue/question.
Most of the submission narratives mention but do not fully evaluate healthcare management systems, data, privacy, security, and interoperability to address administrative and clinical processes considering enhancements within the organization in addressing each issue/question.
Some of the submission narratives mention healthcare management systems, data, privacy, security, and interoperability to address administrative and clinical processes considering enhancements within the organization in addressing each issue/question.
Few to none of the submission narratives mention healthcare management systems, data, privacy, security, and interoperability to address administrative and clinical processes considering enhancements within the organization in addressing each issue/question.
Team #:
Participating and non-participating members: 
-Question: (repeat question number and the question) 
narrative with at least 3 external sources to support statements on the question
references for sources cited in the narrative
-Question: (repeat question number and the question)
narrative with at least 3 external sources to support statements on the question
references for sources cited in the narrative

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