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Question 1 2 Points In the case of Wilson v. Layne – the court deemed the ride a

June 15, 2024

Question 1
2 Points
In the case of Wilson v. Layne – the court deemed the ride along constitutional.
• False
Question 2
2 Points
The first examination of a witness is
A Cross-examination
® Direct examination
© recross-examination
D redirect examination
Question 3
2 Points
The United States Supreme Court’s legal rulings are the supreme law of the land.
• False
Question 4
2 Points
The Equal Protection Clause prohibits stopping a person solely because of their race or ethnicity.
Question 5
2 Points
The exclusionary rule provides that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment is:
admissible in a legal proceeding if it is used to prove a fact
admissible in a civil suit brought by an individual for breach of contract
inadmissible in a criminal proceeding to prove a fact
•by the prosecution
inadmissible in a criminal proceeding as evidence of guilt
Question 6
2 Points
Persons stopped by the police cannot be forced to answer questions, but can be forced to identify themselves.
• False
Question 7
2 Points
Anonymous informants are always credible and reliable.
• False
Question 8
2 Points
There are four elements to an arrest.
• False
Question 9
2 Points
The risk should automatically follow a stop.
• False
Question 10
2 Points
The plain touch doctrine requires that the object must be immediately apparent as contraband.
• False
Question 11
2 Points
Which of the following is an exception to the “fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine”?
A Golden platter
B Harless error
© Purged taint
D Standing
Question 12
2 Points
there are arguments for and against the exclusionary rule.
• False
Question 13
( 2 Points
The protection against double jeopardy is found in the Amendment.
B Fourth
• Fifth
Question 14
2 Points
Public school lockers can be searched by school administrators based on reasonableness.
Question 15
2 Points
Probable cause is a lower standard than reasonable suspicion.
• False
Question 16
2 Points
Probable cause is to stop and reasonable suspicion is to arrest.
• False
Question 17
2 Points
The original term “man of reasonable caution” refers to
A police officers.
B the average “man on the street” judges university professors
Question 18
2 Points
The police may not enter a suspect’s home to make a routine felony arrest without a warrant in the absence of:
A consent
® reasonable suspicion eyewitness testimony
D None of the answers are correct
Question 19
2 Points
Which of the following rights have not been incorporated?
A Fifth Amendment for grant jury review
® The Second Amendment right to gun ownership
The Sixth Amendment right to an attorney D The First Amendment right to freedom of speech
Question 20
2 Points
During a stop based on reasonable suspicion, the police must search the alleged perpetrator.
• False
Question 21
2 Points
The Sixth Amendment relates to the right to counsel.
• False
Question 22
2 Points
Terry v. Ohio is the leading case on stop and frisk.
• False
Question 23
2 Points
The trial court in the federal system is the _court.
A Common Pleas
® Criminal
Quarter Sessions
D District
Question 24
2 Points
If there is a conflict between setate or federal law and the United States Constitution, the Constitution prevails.
• False
Question 25
2 Points
After the arrest of a suspect by police, the next stage in criminal procedure is booking.
• False
Question 26
2 Points
In general, the more intrusive the search the greater the Fourth Amendment protection.
• False
Question 27
2 Points
The United States Attorney General represents the government in all legal matters.
• False
Question 28
2 Points
Evidence which tends to establish innocence is known as:
• incriminatory evidence
® discriminatory evidence exculpatory evidence
* None of the answers are correct
Question 29
2 Points
The Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule does not apply to the activities of private citizens acting totally on their own.
• False
Question 30
2 Points
In Illinois V. Gates (1983)for probable cause determination, the United States Supreme Court
A adopted the Aguillar two-prong test
B eliminated the Aguillar reliability of informant prong eliminated the Aguillar reliability of information prong
adopted the totality of the circumstances test
Question 31
2 Points
Probable cause has a lower degree of certainty than reasonable suspicion.
• False
Question 32
2 Points
The four categories of exceptions to the exclusionary rule are good faith, inevitable discovery, purged taint, ano independent source.
B False
Question 33
2 Points
Reasonable suspicion is sufficient for stop and frisk.
• True
• False
Question 34
2 Points
A plea bargain is the popular name given to the process in which a defendant agrees to plead guilty to an offense in exchange for a lower charge, fewer counts, a lower sentence, or other considerations.
B False
Question 35
2 Points
In establishing probable cause, officers may rely on their:
B experience standard operating procedures
D experience of others
Question 36
2 Points
Release on Recognize (ROR) means without monetary bail.
• False
Question 37
2 Points
In searches and seizures without a warrant, the trial judge makes the initial determination of probable cause.
• False
Question 38
2 Points
In a criminal trial the prosecutor must prove a case
A to an absolute certainty
® probable cause beyond a reasonable doubt
* preponderance of the evidence
Question 39
2 Points
Random drug testing has been held by the United States Supreme Court to be unconstitutional.
• False
Question 40
2 Points
An arrest warrant requires probable cause.
• False
Question 41
2 Points
If a search is conducted without probable cause, the evidence will be suppressed.
• False
Question 42
2 Points
What are the two types of seizures?
A Actual and practical
® Actual and destructive
Actual and constructive
Factual and constructive
Question 43
2 Points
The court of last resort for federal cases and cases involving federal law and the United States Constitution is the United States Supreme Court.
) False
Question 44
2 Points
If the court has the legal authority to hear a case, this means the court has
• precedent
® Equal Protection
Due Process
D urisdiction
Question 45
2 Points
In which of the following proceedings does the exclusionary rule apply?
) Private searches
® Parole revocation hearings
Grand Jury investigations
D None of the answers are correct
Question 46
2 Points
The ban on cruel and unusual punishment and excessive fines and bail is found in the Eighth Amendment.
Question 47
2 Points
The police can always use deadly force during an arrest of a perpetrator.
• False
Question 48
2 Points
In testing for the existence of a reasonable suspicion, officers and judges apply
A the totality of the circumstances test
B only the Aguillar reliability test only the Aguilar reliability of information prong
D both prongs of the Aguillar test
Question 49
2 Points
The silver platter doctrine is still in operation in state courts.
• False
Question 50
2 Points
The purpose of the exclusionary rule is to
A deter judicial misconduct
® punish citizens who violate constitutional rights protect rights against violation by the legislature
D deter police misconduct

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