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PULSE RATE LAB REPORT Objectives:  Use the Scientific Method to study physiolog

June 21, 2024

 Use the Scientific Method to study physiological changes
 Identify the independent, dependent and controlled variables
 Use independent and dependent variables to write a hypothesis or prediction
 Collect, organize and present data in ways that facilitate analysis
 Draw conclusions based on the obtained data
 Write a lab report that includes all the scientific method elements
In this exercise, the student will work in groups to obtain the necessary information to write a lab
The lab report will consist of: purpose of the experiment, Introduction, variables and hypothesis,
materials used, procedure or method, results, analysis/conclusion and references.
Prior to engaging in the lab exercise, the student will do research on cardiovascular system regulation.
The obtained information must include heart rate and blood pressure regulation. The following terms
must be part of the introduction: pulse rate and heart rate and their relationship, proprioceptors,
baroreceptors, chemoreceptors (what do these receptors detect) and their location (where are they
found), control center, output to effector organs (must include specific nerve names and the autonomic
system branch they belong to) and effector organs. It is also important to include the effects of gravity
on blood flow when changing body position.
After completing the introduction, the student will read over the lab experiment. After the reading the
student should be able to identify the variables (independent, dependent, and controlled variables) of
this experiment.
The variables should be noted in the report making sure they are clearly identified as independent,
dependent, and controlled variables.
After the variables have been identified, the student is to write a hypothesis (prediction) to predict
the effects of the independent variable (which must be specified) on the dependent variable.
The next steps include writing the purpose, materials and the procedure or method. The purpose is
stated at the beginning of the lab exercise; however, you must write the purpose using your own
words. The materials must be listed using bullet points (one item per bullet). The method or
procedure must be written in paragraph form, past tense, and passive voice. (example: pulse rate
was measured on the radial artery at the wrist)
The results section must include a written description of the results, tables where the data will be
organized and labeled and a graph for a visual representation of the data. Under the results
section, no explanations are needed; this section only includes facts.
During this experiment the student will gather data on three separate occasions, from three
different subjects; the collected data for each situation must be averaged. (Refer back to WileyPlus,
PowerPhys 3.1 for data collection examples)
Under the analysis and conclusions section, the student will use the data to reflect on the written
hypothesis to determine if the results support the hypothesis or if the results reject or refute the
hypothesis. It is very important to include an explanation (using the information from the lab report
introduction) to the observed changes.
During this exercise, the student will gather and share data with two other team members; after
data sharing, each student should have the data on nine (9) test subjects. If one team member fails
to contribute to the exercise, you will be allowed six text subjects.
Heart Rate Lab Exercise:
Determine the effects of changing in body position and exercise on heart rate.
 Pen or pencil
 Paper
 Bed or cot (flat surface for lying down supine)
 Chair
 Watch or timer
 3 Test subject per team member
Procedure (For the report, you will rewrite the information in passive voice and past
1. Find a quiet place to begin the experiment.
2. Test subject gets in supine position with the eyes closed, (lying down, face up) and without
pillows and relaxes for 5 minutes.
3. After the 5 minutes, Take the test subject pulse at the wrist. Use the index and middle fingers of
your dominant hand to take the pulse. First, find the radial pulse at the wrist (on the thumb
side); you will feel a thump.
4. With the subject lying down supine and with the eyes closed, take the pulse for one full minute
5. Record the data
6. After recording the data, ask the test subject to quickly sit up and position him/herself on the
chair with the hands placed on the lap.
7. Immediately after the subject sits up, take the pulse for 1 minute.
8. Record the data.
9. After recording the data, ask the test subject to exercise (jumping jacks) for 5 minutes.
10. After 5 minutes of exercise, retake the pulse at the wrist for 1 minute.
11. Record the data
12. Wait for 5 more minutes; retake the pulse for 1 minute.
13. Record the data.
14. Repeat steps 2 through 13 twice for a total of three trials per team member.
1. Create a table to organize the data. The table must be labeled and numbered.
2. Create a graph to present the data. The graph must be labeled and numbered.
3. Describe the data in paragraph form. This section does not include any type of explanation to
the changes if any changes occurred.
This section is to be written in paragraph form. The presented questions are not be included as part of
the analysis. Use the questions below as a guide to complete the analysis section of the lab report.
During the analysis section, the student will use the obtained data to draw conclusions and find
differences, similarities, and patterns.
1. What triggered the observed changes (if any) when:
a. going from supine to sitting posture?
b. Exercising?
2. Compared to the supine posture, what was the percent increase of heart rate after sitting up?
After 5 minutes of exercise?
Use the following formula:
Percent increase= supine pulse – sitting up pulse X 100
after sitting up supine pulse
Adjust the formula to determine percent increase after exercise.
3. Reflect on the hypothesis, do the results support or refute (reject) the hypothesis?
4. Where there any limitations to the experiment?
5. Based on the results of this experiment, write a follow up experiment. What else would you do?

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