2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Provide four (4) full pages of discussion, focusing on Hedda Gabler Tesman’s per

April 16, 2024

Provide four (4) full pages of discussion, focusing on Hedda Gabler Tesman’s personal qualities as perceived by George Tesman, Judge Brack. and especially Eilert Lovborg). Consider societal values of the time (especially regarding women). Make certain that you include an equal amount of discussion from each critical source. 
Select two (2) ideas from each source of literary criticism for this assignment. This means you must include a total of four (4) ideas from the literary criticism. You MUST PARAPHRASE or SUMMARIZE the information you borrow from the two literary sources. DO NOT QUOTE FROM THE LITERARY SOURCES (literary criticism). Keep your ideas from the literary sources brief – no more than one-two sentences each.  
Include PARENTHETICAL DOCUMENTATION along with each of your four ideas from the criticism. This ensures that the author of each borrowed idea will receive credit for his or her idea(s) and helps you to avoid plagiarism.
You may use Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide (online guide) to correctly document the sources in your paper. Right click below to access this source.
Include no more than two (2) brief quotations from the play. The length of the brief quotations should be between one (1) to two (2) lines each.
Basically, you must include YOUR WORDS/IDEAS along with your FOUR IDEAS from the LITERARY CRITICISM and TWO QUOTATIONS from the work of literature, the play. Include a minimum of six (6) well-structured paragraphs (introduction, four (4) body paragraphs, and conclusion.
Write in 3rd person.
Use present tense to discuss literary work(s), but past tense to discuss author(s).
Include title(s) and author(s) in the introduction.
The thesis must be the last sentence in your introduction.
Your topic sentence must be the first sentence in each body paragraph.
Include a minimum of 7-8 well-structured sentences in the introduction and in each body paragraph. 
Include a minimum of three (3) sentences in the conclusion.
Bloom’s Literary CriticismLinks to an external site. features more than 571 titles from the most popular Bloom’s sets and series.
Bloom’s LiteratureLinks to an external site. features essays examining the lives and works of great writers as well as thousands of critical articles published by noted scholars. This resource also contains extensive entries on literary topics, themes, movements, genres, and authors; almost 170 video segments; and more.
Discovery Search – A one-stop search engine for articles, e-books, videos, and more.
Community College eBook CollectionLinks to an external site. provides access to curated collections of e-books in the areas of the Humanities, Language and Literature, Literary Criticism, and more.
eBook Academic CollectionLinks to an external site. provides access to curated collections of e-books in the areas of Language Arts, Literary Criticism, Religion, Philosophy, World History, and more.
Koha – The online catalog for Coastal Alabama Libraries.
Salem Press eBooksLinks to an external site. are designed to introduce students to over 100 of the world’s greatest works of literature by placing them in the historical, societal, scientific, and religious context of their time. 
Alabama Virtual LibraryLinks to an external site. – Limit the results to “Language and Literature” to then access helpful databases such as Gale Literature, Twayne’s Author Series, and more! 
British LibraryLinks to an external site. offers online resources related to history, English, and Religious Studies. Sections on children books, Medieval Literature, Shakespeare and Renaissance writers and 20th Century Literature are just some of the topics that can be accessed. One section, British Accents and Dialects, has recordings of 77 speakers from across the United Kingdom representing the different accents and dialects of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. “Texts in Context” has a collection of over 400 British Library texts. 
Cambridge Assessment EnglishLinks to an external site. helps millions of people around the world learn how to speak and teach English. Free class offerings range from “Exploring the World of English Language Teaching” to “Teaching English Online.” Literature classes are diverse. Students can find courses like Robert Burns: Poems, Songs, and Legacy,” “Jane Austin: Myth, Reality and Global Celebrity” and “The Book of Kells: Exploring a Medieval Masterpiece.”   
Camelot Project (University of Rochester)Links to an external site. is a database of Arthurian texts, images and bibliographies. Viewers can find works by Oscar Fay Adams, W.M. Akhurst and Matthew Arnold and works classified as anonymous. There is a section devoted to Arthurian artwork and sections with descriptions of the characters, symbols and motifs, and the creatures found in the Arthurian legends.  
Center for Applied LinguisticsLinks to an external site. provides online access to databases and directories for students who are learning English. There are links to organizations devoted to helping English learners, publications, online learning resources, and a resource archive for older, but still useful sources.   
Elements of Style OnlineLinks to an external site. is an online version of the classic American English writing style guide written by William Strunk in 1918 and expanded and updated by E.B. White in 1959. Maintained by the University of Washington, the guide has been revised for the internet age.
Google ScholarLinks to an external site. is a simple way to search for scholarly literature. Theses, articles, books, abstracts, and court opinions from online repositories, professional societies, academic publishers, and university web sites can be accessed from this search engine.
Henry Ransom Center Digital CollectionsLinks to an external site., housed at the University of Texas at Austin, contain an extensive collection in the areas of literature, film, photography, art and the performing arts. Only a small part of its holdings are online, but include manuscripts and letters from British and American writers as varied as Baron Alfred Tennyson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, O Henry, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.   
MIT Open Course WareLinks to an external site. offers free online courses in a variety of subjects. English Literature courses include Writing About Literature, World Literatures: Travel Writing, and American Literature. Syllabi, readings, assignments, and course materials are available.   
Online Books PageLinks to an external site. is an index containing more than 2 million books in various formats. Features include A Celebration of Women Writers, Banned Books Online, and Prize-Winning Books Online.   
Poet’s CornerLinks to an external site., one of the oldest and largest text resources on the web, has 7,356 works by 799 poets including obscure and forgotten works that deserve a second look.   
Project GutenbergLinks to an external site. is a free e-library of over 60,000 books. Works of the world’s great literature can be found for which the U.S. copyright has expired. Most of the books were published before 1924, with some that were published in the decades after. No apps are needed to access the books, just regular web browsers or e-book readers that are included with computer or mobile devices.  
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)Links to an external site. provides writing resources and instructional material for students, instructors, and the public. Help with general writing tips, research and citation, subject-specific writing, and English as a second language can be found. Teacher and tutor resources include tips on writing letters of recommendation for students and preventing plagiarism. MLA, APA, and Chicago style writing and citation guides are also provided.  
Shelley-Godwin ArchiveLinks to an external site. provides digitized manuscripts of the works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin. The New York Public Library and the Maryland Institute for Technology working in partnership with Oxford’s Bodleian Library, the Huntington Library, the British Library, the Houghton Library, and the Victoria and Albert library contain 90% of the known relevant manuscripts from these writers and are making them available online.  
University of Oxford PodcastsLinks to an external site. features lectures by the Faculty of English Language and Literature covering the early middle ages to the 21 st century. Critical Writing, Seventeenth Century Books, Art and Morality and Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Reading are just some of the 359 podcasts on the site.  
Writer’s WebLinks to an external site. is a free handbook designed and maintained by the University of Richmond. Everything needed to write a paper can be found here, from getting started to how to write in specific disciplines to writing a first draft and citing sources. There is even a section on online writing.  

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