Write a minimum 2-3 page paper that includes the following information:
• Area of focus- Provide
• The area of focus A problem statement: The problem is that six-grade virtual student attendance has decreased. This has a negative effect on students’ reading proficiency levels. Our daily campus attendance goal is 95%. Topic Statement The effects of implementing a weekly attendance reward system on 6th grade students’ proficiency levels in reading.
• A description of the problem
• The topic of the proposed research study (use your topic that I approved)
• Justification for using action research – Mills (2018) textbook pgs. 42-46
• Purpose of the project and researcher’s role – Discuss:
• The purpose of the project
• Why you picked this topic and how you relate to it: To improve student attendance and academic achievement
• How this topic influences or is influenced by your role in your current setting
• What you expect to accomplish (use measurable terms- It is expected that 75% of the students will…)