2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


prompt: The key claim(s) that you make should be made explicit to the reader at

May 13, 2024

The key claim(s) that you make should be made explicit to the reader at the start of the paper. The body of your paper should develop your argument by identifying key issues, providing evidence (written and visual references), connecting your work to broader discursive contexts of architectural theory, etc., and finally providing a concluding summary. While this sequence may be a typical structure, we encourage you to conceptualize the structure of your work in a manner that most effectively tells the story you wish to tell.  
Title: provide a title that provides a unique and compelling description of the content of your paper.
Keywords: provide 5 keywords that identify your paper’s topic(s) and object(s) of study.
Images: your images should be carefully integrated with the text. Images should be captioned (no more than 1 sentence) + image sources provided with citations.
This a critical analysis that makes a claim, unpacks it with an argument, identifies broader issues at stake, and references relevant sources. Your paper should take a position and connect to broader discursive contexts and architectural theories – i.e. a community of ideas. It should be structured in both a sequential and consequential manner. Rather than a dry presentation of singular facts, analysis, and/or interpretations, it should have a clear and compelling narrative arc that extends from start to finish.
This is my claim: Prioritizing passive design methods, the investigation seeks sustainable approaches to ensure comfortable temperatures without excessive energy use while maximizing learning performance of school students.
My aim is to mainly focus on the architecture of learning spaces in tropical climates. Please offer visual examples of types of learning spaces that achieve AND fail and integrate into the body of your argument. I included a draft of my paper to understand what I am trying to argue, but it is very poorly written, several of the paragraphs are circular with statements that do not build on one another and have broad generalities that don’t seem to clarify: for example the sentences following my introduction of Barclay & Crousse, seem to go in circles, restating the same points in varying ways. However, if you can please include most of what I written and use buildings that support my claim that would be great. 
Please include images of the project to illustrate and provide specific details of how the building forms/designs achieves the goals I state. Also, my visuals come at the end without captions or figures. They’re currently disconnected and it’s difficult to find relevance with respect to my text. Please integrate the visuals within the body of your argument.
My text currently has no citations, quotes, or paraphrases from the sources I cite in my bibliography, and it currently reads as though these are opinions rather that evidence-based statements. PLEASE fix this, please cite or foot notes.
These were my 5 keywords : 
solar orientation 
shading strategies
evaporative cooling 
microclimate analysis
informal encounters
you can either keep or change these to make it go along with the paper. These dont need to be include in the essay. You can put these at the very end 
I dont have a title please come up with a title 

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