2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Prompt: Pick a movie and complete an assessment (like the Department of Mental H

June 25, 2024

Prompt: Pick a movie and complete an assessment (like the Department of Mental Health full assessment) on the client while watching the movie or shortly after. Use the assessment to create your paper:

Bio psychosocial spiritual Assessment: fully describe the “client”, and demonstrate that you are able to fully conceptualize the character in a bio psychosocial spiritual context. (roughly 2-3 pages)
-Identifying data (privilege and oppressed identities): name, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and relationship status
-Presenting problem (using an intersectional lens): both the client’s description and your impression.
-Client’s appearance and basics from mental status (with an intersectionality lens).
-History of the problem (honoring the client’s voice and lived experience with special consideration of systems of oppression, not limited to historical trauma, involvement with public child welfare, incarceration, healthcare, education: age of onset, course, precipitating events, medical or organic factors, prior treatment, family history of disorder, drug/alcohol use, sexual abuse, medications etc…

Diagnostic impression utilizing a trauma informed lens: explaining the rationale for your diagnosis. How does the client meet diagnostic criteria for this diagnosis? Including any differential diagnostic considerations that are appropriate for your case. (roughly 1-2 pages)
-Provisional diagnostic impression using DSM-5 classifications and codes

Treatment Plan: Provide a thoroughly researched, comprehensive client-centered and equity minded, trauma- informed treatment plan utilizing the latest empirical evidence of effective interventions. Discuss how you will collaborate with the client to develop this treatment plan. (1-2 pages).

Discussion of positionally of client and professional: Address the following: (roughly 1-2 pages)
-Does this case history give a full picture of your “client”? (Is there more you need to know?)
-What does your diagnosis reveal and what does it conceal about your client’s reality, identities?
-How is your diagnosis helpful and/or harmful in the context of the client’s positionally?
-How does your diagnosis impact the dignity of the client? (please justify).
-Does it offer enough information to begin providing anti-oppressive and anti-racist treatment? Please explain why or why not?
-Is there a bias inherent in any part of your diagnosis or treatment based on who you are and your experience, perceptions, beliefs about mental health: cultural, racial, gender, socioeconomic, sexual orientation, level of education, etc.?
-Based on your intersectional identities, would you feel comfortable receiving this approach for yourself or a family member if you/they experienced a similar mental health challenge/impact on daily functioning?

Films that are suitable for the assignments:

127 Hours

A Streetcar Named Desire

A Beautiful Mind

American Beauty

American Psycho

American Splendor

American Sniper

Angels in America Annie Hall Antwone Fisher

As Good As It Gets

Benny & Joon

Boys Don’t Cry

Boyz N da Hood

Born On the 4th of July

Black Swan

Blow Blue Sky

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Brokeback Mountain

Citizen Kane

Cold Souls

Color Purple


Clean, Shaven


Donnie Darko


Fatal Attraction


Fight Club

Fifty Shades of Grey Francis

Franky and Alice

Girl Interrupted

The Godfather (I or II)

Goodwill Hunting

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

In Country

Inside Out

Into the Wild Joker



King of California

Kramer vs. Kramer

Lady Sings the Blues

Lars and the Real Girl

Leaving Las Vegas

Little Miss Sunshine

Lord of the Flies

Mad Love

Ma Vie En Rose

Midnight Cowboy

Margot At the Wedding

Menace to Society



Mr. Jones

My Own Private Idaho

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Ordinary People

Poetic Justice


Proof Psycho

Rachel Getting Married

Raging Bull

Reign Over Me

Requiem for a Dream

Revolutionary Road

Running With Scissors

Silver Linings Playbook

Silence of the Lambs

Sophie’s Choice

Straight Outta Compton


Sunset Boulevard

Taxi Driver

Temple Grandin

The Assassination of Jesse James

The Aviator

The Bad Seed

The Best Little Girl In the World

The Danish Girl

The Fisher King

The Hours

The Ice Storm

The Madness of King George

The Soloist

The Talented Mr. Ripley

The War of The Roses

There Will Be Blood

To Kill a Mockingbird



Thirteen Trevor

Vicky Christina Barcelona

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape

What About Bob

White Oleander

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

– The DSM-5TR must be used to determine the diagnosis, I will attach the PDF of the book.

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