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Project Overview As noted in Module 1, for various reasons, it is difficult to g

June 17, 2024

Project Overview
As noted in Module 1, for various reasons, it is difficult to give an accurate picture of the type and frequency of terrorism. Therefore, we will rely on one primary source, the FBI Terrorism Division. Our title for this project is “The Nature and Scope of Terrorism: A Review of Cases from the FBI.” Basically, we are building a database extracted from Press Releases posted by the FBI’s Terrorism Division.
Primary Data Source
One primary source for case studies will be those posted on the FBI’s Terrorism Division website, https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism. Once there, click on “News,” and you will find a list of press releases. Click on either the title or the “Read More” link for each press release to read the full article.
First, you will read a press release that includes a case and decide whether this case fits within our umbrella definition of terrorism. If it does, then you may include it in your data collection.
Example: Let’s examine the entry dated January 3, 2023, “Two Charged with Attacks on Four Pierce County Power Substations.” Sounds interesting, right? However, you need more information to see if this example fits our project. Read the full article to assess whether to include it or to move on. 
An important point in this project is that not all the press releases will fit under our umbrella term of terrorism; you have to make a judgment call on which are the most appropriate ones to include.
Next, determine if the press release includes all the relevant information that you need, or do you need to see more facts or background material? If you want more information, you must move beyond the FBI website and search other sources. If you do this, be sure to include your outside source on your Reference Page.
Structure for the Paper
Cover Sheet.  Include the paper title, the semester and year, the course title, and your name.
Introduction.  Briefly state the purpose of the paper and what you intend to demonstrate to the reader. You should be able to do this in one or two well-thought paragraphs. Why is it important for the reader to gain an understanding of your topic? Hint: you should focus on the problem of accurately measuring the nature and scope of terrorism. You will want at least two academic references from external resources.
Case Summaries. This is the heart of the paper, a database you have constructed from the FBI website. You should present these by type rather than in chronological order. Remember you need at least one out-of-class reference for each section. So, use the outside source as you introduce each category of cases, then move to your presentation of the category-related materials. For each one, begin with the same title that was presented in the Press Release, then summarize it in your own words. One way to look at this is to ask yourself, “What is the most important information?” Basically, what you are doing is saving the reader the time and effort of finding and analyzing those materials for themselves. 
Analysis. Begin with a statement on the total number covered (N=___), then present percentages for each group.
What trends emerged?
What types of terrorism were most frequent?
Did most involve a single perpetrator, or were there co-conspirators?
Was it possible to determine the gender or race of the perpetrators?
How about victims, how many in all? Were they individuals, groups, specific businesses, the State?
How about the total amount of money involved?
What was the range of sentences and/or fines?
Overall, do you think justice was served?
Conclusion. Briefly remind the reader of the important points you have made. After reading your paper, the reader should be up to date on your topic. You may include a statement on future concerns related to topic, any policy recommendations that you have, and even advice for the reader on how to avoid being a victim of terrorism.
References. You should have a minimum of ten references. Use APA formatting and list these in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Electronic sources are acceptable if the citation is complete and the source is legitimate. Remember that you need at least two in your Introduction, one for each type of case presented, and any additional articles that you need to clarify any of the FBI press releases. Thus, it should be easy to find ten references.
A note on in-text citations. If the information that is cited is not general knowledge, simply provide an in-text citation.  Providing appropriate citations is an easy way to avoid charges of plagiarism, so when in doubt, provide the source.

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