Project Implicit Assignment
For the next assignment, you will be required to take a series of test on the website (Links to an external site.)
Make sure you click on SOCIAL ATTITUDES (Links to an external site.)
Once there, you need to go into the demonstration tests. Click through until you reach the actual lists of tests.
You need to do the following tests:
Gender-Career IAT
Religion IAT
Sexuality IAT
Gender-Science IAT
Weapons IAT
Skin-Tone IAT
Each test will take approximately 10-15 minutes. Make sure you only take each test once and that you are focused on taking the tests or you will have too many mistakes. After each test is completed, there will be a statement such as the following:
Your Result
Your data suggest a moderate association of European American with American and Asian American with Foreign compared to Asian American with American and European American with Foreign.
You need to cut and paste each of your results into a document and then respond to the following questions.
Why do you believe you received this result?
Do you feel that this is a good indicator of your hidden feelings? Why or why not?
Do you feel that this is a good indicator of your actual feelings? Why or why not?
What is your experience with this group of individuals?
After completing the test, please read the following articles:
The Bias Beneath: Two Decades of Measuring Implicit Associations
Each result needs to have a few sentences explanation. Think about why you may have received these results. How do you feel about the results that you received? Why do you think you feel this way?
Write-up: You need to have at least one paragraph per result answering the above questions.
YOU MUST have the following:
Introduction- 6 points
Conclusion- 6 points
Writing/ Grammar 8
Each test write-up and result- 8 points (total of 80 points)