2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Profile Interview 30-Minute with Benson Casimir looking to creat a safe space wh

April 20, 2024

Profile Interview 30-Minute with Benson Casimir
looking to creat a safe space while still understand who I am and what I represent as a black male Therphist in America. what strong profile which describes who I am.
Benson Casimir and Leticia Knudsen discussed their experiences in the mental health field, emphasizing the need for mental health professionals in schools and the community. They also explored the importance of male role models in children’s lives, self-care practices, and personal development. Benson shared his journey from immigrating to the US to becoming a licensed social worker, highlighting his passion for helping others. Leticia expressed her enthusiasm for reducing the stigma surrounding mental health, and Benson discussed his holistic approach to treatment, emphasizing the importance of wraparound services and meeting patients where they’re at. He also shared his personal experiences with addiction and incarceration, emphasizing the need to address the root causes of these issues and change the stereotype of minorities in therapy.
Action Items
[ ] @Leticia Knudsen – Leticia Knudsen will write up Benson Casimir’s profile based on the interview and send it to him within a week for review and editing. She will add him as an editor to the document and notify Sarebbe once the profile is in review.
[ ] Benson Casimir’s focus areas when treating patients at SMP will include depression, anxiety, relationships, fatherhood, emotions, boundaries, financial well-being, parenting, communication skills, adolescent and youth issues.
[ ] Benson Casimir’s availability for patient sessions at SMP will include mornings, evenings and weekends.
[ ] Benson Casimir will review the written profile when received from Leticia Knudsen, provide any edits or feedback, and approve the final version before it is submitted to SMP.
Mental health career path and credentials with a social worker.
Benson Casimir shares his educational background and reasons for pursuing a career in mental health.
Benson Casimir shared his journey into the mental health field, including his experience with therapy and his passion for helping others.
Benson currently works as a social worker at a school, with previous experience in mental health casework and drug rehab counseling.
Various social work roles and experiences, including youth development, crisis shelters, and financial peace.
Benson Casimir has extensive experience in various fields, including psychiatric care, youth development, and education.
Benson Casimir discusses various conditions he will treat with SMP, including anxiety, depression, and financial stress.
Mental health support for boys and men, including the importance of male role models and the use of cognitive behavioral therapy.
Benson Casimir and Leticia Knudsen discuss the importance of male figures in children’s lives, particularly in providing emotional support and teaching life skills.
They mention the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program and the need for more volunteers to mentor children, particularly in small towns.
Benson Casimir uses cognitive behavior therapy and a holistic approach to treating patients, emphasizing empathy and meeting people where they’re at.
His ultimate goal is to provide patients with the tools they need to heal and leave feeling unhurt, using a hospital approach with ongoing assessment and adjustment of treatment as needed.
Benson highlights his calm demeanor and patience as key factors in his therapy approach.
Personal growth, addiction, and mental health.
Benson Casimir discusses his personal life, including self-care activities and parenting, while Leticia Knudsen asks questions.
Benson and Leticia discuss the importance of gratitude and looking at life as a hospital, where someone didn’t wake up today.
Benson Casimir shares his personal struggles with addiction and mental health, emphasizing the importance of addressing root causes rather than just symptoms.
He highlights the need for a holistic approach to therapy, incorporating elements of culture and community to help individuals overcome challenges and achieve well-being.
Benson Casimir discusses his struggles with mental health and seeking help, while Leticia Knudsen provides support and guidance.
Leticia Knudsen explains the process of creating a profile for Benson, including adding him as an editor and sending it for Profile Interview 30-Minute with Benson Casimir
Benson Casimir and Leticia Knudsen discussed their experiences in the mental health field, emphasizing the need for mental health professionals in schools and the community. They also explored the importance of male role models in children’s lives, self-care practices, and personal development. Benson shared his journey from immigrating to the US to becoming a licensed social worker, highlighting his passion for helping others. Leticia expressed her enthusiasm for reducing the stigma surrounding mental health, and Benson discussed his holistic approach to treatment, emphasizing the importance of wraparound services and meeting patients where they’re at. He also shared his personal experiences with addiction and incarceration, emphasizing the need to address the root causes of these issues and change the stereotype of minorities in therapy.
Action Items
[ ] @Leticia Knudsen – Leticia Knudsen will write up Benson Casimir’s profile based on the interview and send it to him within a week for review and editing. She will add him as an editor to the document and notify Sarebbe once the profile is in review.
[ ] Benson Casimir’s focus areas when treating patients at SMP will include depression, anxiety, relationships, fatherhood, emotions, boundaries, financial well-being, parenting, communication skills, adolescent and youth issues.
[ ] Benson Casimir’s availability for patient sessions at SMP will include mornings, evenings and weekends.
[ ] Benson Casimir will review the written profile when received from Leticia Knudsen, provide any edits or feedback, and approve the final version before it is submitted to SMP.
Mental health career path and credentials with a social worker.
Benson Casimir shares his educational background and reasons for pursuing a career in mental health.
Benson Casimir shared his journey into the mental health field, including his experience with therapy and his passion for helping others.
Benson currently works as a social worker at a school, with previous experience in mental health casework and drug rehab counseling.
Various social work roles and experiences, including youth development, crisis shelters, and financial peace.
Benson Casimir has extensive experience in various fields, including psychiatric care, youth development, and education.
Benson Casimir discusses various conditions he will treat with SMP, including anxiety, depression, and financial stress.
Mental health support for boys and men, including the importance of male role models and the use of cognitive behavioral therapy.
Benson Casimir and Leticia Knudsen discuss the importance of male figures in children’s lives, particularly in providing emotional support and teaching life skills.
They mention the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program and the need for more volunteers to mentor children, particularly in small towns.
Benson Casimir uses cognitive behavior therapy and a holistic approach to treating patients, emphasizing empathy and meeting people where they’re at.
His ultimate goal is to provide patients with the tools they need to heal and leave feeling unhurt, using a hospital approach with ongoing assessment and adjustment of treatment as needed.
Benson highlights his calm demeanor and patience as key factors in his therapy approach.
Personal growth, addiction, and mental health.
Benson Casimir discusses his personal life, including self-care activities and parenting, while Leticia Knudsen asks questions.
Benson and Leticia discuss the importance of gratitude and looking at life as a hospital, where someone didn’t wake up today.
Benson Casimir shares his personal struggles with addiction and mental health, emphasizing the importance of addressing root causes rather than just symptoms.
He highlights the need for a holistic approach to therapy, incorporating elements of culture and community to help individuals overcome challenges and achieve well-being.
Benson Casimir discusses his struggles with mental health and seeking help, while Leticia Knudsen provides support and guidance.
Leticia Knudsen explains the process of creating a profile for Benson, including adding him as an editor and sending it for review.

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