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Professors instructions and requirments are below:  No plagirism and follow inst

June 24, 2024

Professors instructions and requirments are below: 
No plagirism and follow instructions under each discussion thread. 
Discussion post 1 Behavioral Health 150 words: 
This week, we are discussing BIG topics – 1. alcohol use disorder and 2. Use of prison systems, juvenile justice and pregnant women and alcohol/drugs Please pick ONE (1) question to discuss. 
I picked Question 1
Question 1:    What did you learn from the items on the high school drinking party, the MADD website and the SAMHSA resources on drinking in youth? How can you, as a member of the community and the health services community help to decrease underage drinking?
watch youtube video: 

Read SAMHSA resourse: 
Below I’ve attached the alcohol screening and breif intervention for youth under the browse section. 
Discussion post 2 health policy and politicis 150 words: 
Go to Box 10.15 on page 208 in our e-text. It is a special topic and it asks a series of questions as to whether states should be allowed to impose work requirements as a condition to receiving Medicaid.  Read through the case scenario. Answer the questions in the last paragraph starting with Do you support work requirements? Is it better to expand coverage with work requirements than to not expand coverage at all? 
Link for etext reading:
Discussion post 3 Health Service Finance on excel: 
We should always keep our quantitative skills fresh. Here are five (5) questions to keep you on your toes. You may complete on Excel. 
1.) You receive $3456 in cash, $4689 from a check card, and $5000 owed to you via accounts receivable.
What is the SUM of the above assets?
a. $12,145
b. $14,145
c. $13,145 
Examples of Assets
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Examples of Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Salaries Payable
Wages Payable
Interest Payable 
You are the practice manager for a small medical office. Your monthly salary is $3500. You hired a medical assistant at $9/hour for 7 hours for 23 days. Additionally, you must pay a cleaning service $400 per month.
For the month of May (23 work days). For this problem, Determine total Assets and total Liabilities:
a. Assets= $1449        Liabilities= $0.00
b. Assets= $0.00         Liabilities= $5349
c. Assets= $3500        Liabilities= $40
d. Assets= $3500        Liabilities= $1449
3.) Simple Interest
r=rate (%)
Dr. Johnson must make interest payments on a loan for medical equipment. The equipment has an initial cost of $56,830.
At the end of 4 years, how much will the interest be at 8%?  
a. $15,185
b. $18,185.6
c. $75,015
4.) What is the quotient of 45% of 800 and 35% of 800?   Give to 4 decimal places!
5.) What is the product of 45% of 800 and 35% of 800?

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