2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Prior to beginning work on this final paper, Read the Visitors page of the Offic

April 23, 2024

Prior to beginning work on this final paper,
Read the Visitors page of the Official Website of the North Slope Borough.
Read ConocoPhillips Shuts Down North Slope Drilling Over Coronavirus Concerns
Read the following webpages from the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation’s website:
Our Communities
Our Lands
Review the Hocker-Wilmot Conflict Assessment Guide from Chapter 3 of the                textbook 
Download the required Week 6: Analysis and Proposal for Conflict Resolution on the Alaskan North Slope Template
Your paper should utilize information from the Required Readings listed above and address each of the directives provided in the assignment instructions below. The purpose of this      assignment is to integrate the concepts studied in this course into a cohesive and                  comprehensive paper. Your final paper, which will be titled Analysis and Proposal for Conflict Resolution on the Alaskan North Slope, will propose resolutions to two conflicts as presented  in a scenario.
The Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) has entered into a long-term oil distribution    contract with a Russian company, Comrade Oil, selling oil at a fixed price per barrel for ten   years. However, political tensions, unrelated to the production and sale of oil, have                 escalated between the governments of the United States and Russia. Additionally, the cost of the price of oil has steadily been decreasing. Comrade Oil now wants to buy oil from ASRC at half the contract price or get out of the contract.
Internally, ASRC has been facing backlash from some of their own shareholders who are        tribal members. (Reminder: the ASRC is a specially created entity where all shareholders are members of the Inupiat Alaskan Native Nation. The ASRC has no non-Inupiat shareholders.) A small number of the tribal members resist the further exploration and extraction of oil and minerals on their tribal lands and they are emotionally upset with the business decision of     their corporation, citing their concern about climate change and cultural distress for their     traditional lands. This small group of tribal members is demanding that the ASRC stop the   exploration, extraction, and sale of oil and minerals from their tribal lands.
Consider the two conflicts described above and how the ASRC might work to resolve these    issues by completing the following requirements in your paper:
Deconstruct the conflicts using the Hocker-Wilmot Conflict Assessment Guide from Chapter 3 of the course textbook. Your deconstruction must
Identify which stakeholder groups are most important to discuss.
Detail the concerns of those stakeholder groups, paying special attention to the demographics of the stakeholder groups and their cultural history.
Assess what techniques the ASRC will use to resolve these conflicts.
Analyze opportunities to share knowledge concerning an organizational culture’s      impact on conflict.
Apply conflict management skills needed for the organizations involved in North       Slope concerns.
Propose the types of risks associated with relationship conflict that could occur with different approaches to resolving at least one of the conflicts.
Explain ASRC’s likelihood of success in resolving these conflicts.
Recommend negotiation strategies that could be used to manage possible               conflicts.
Compose a summary conclusion concerning what was argued in your paper and    the importance of that information.
Note: Your final paper must utilize the required Week 6: Analysis and Proposal for Conflict     Resolution on the Alaskan North Slope Template Download Week 6: Analysis and Proposal    for Conflict Resolution on the Alaskan North Slope Templateand demonstrate how to              properly use the theories and concepts learned in this course; simply providing definitions of theories and concepts will not meet the requirements of this assignment. In the final version of your final paper, be sure to remove all the hints (blue boxes) and directions that are          provided within the template.
The Analysis and Proposal for Conflict Resolution on the Alaskan North Slope final paper
Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and                   references pages) and formatted according to APA Style
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper in bold font
Space should appear between the title and the rest of the                   information on the title page.
Student’s name
Name of institution
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Due date
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction                 paragraph must include a succinct purpose statement that states what the focus  of the paper will be; it needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
Must use, in addition to the course text, a minimum of three articles from com.
Must use the ARSC website.
Must use at least three credible news sources that discuss conflicts concerning the North Slope.
Must document any information used from sources in APA Style 
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style
Jandt, F. E. (2021). Conflict and communication (2nd ed.). Cognella.

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