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Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Read Chapters 2 and Chapter 4

June 18, 2024

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,
Read Chapters 2 and Chapter 4 of your course textbook, Operations and Supply Chain Management.
Read A Complexity Framework for Project Management Strategies  https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=edb&AN=163838915&site=eds-live&scope=site&custid=s8856897
Read Increasing Flexibility and Productivity in Industry 4.0 Production Networks with Autonomous Mobile Robots and Smart Intralogistics  https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/increasing-flexibility-productivity-industry-4-0/docview/2616134908/se-2?accountid=32521
Technology continues to play a huge role in streamlining operations management. For example, Kodak has a freestanding kiosk where technology and customer labor join to create an output. In this example, you insert your digital camera memory card, choose the finish, quantity, and size of your hard copy pictures, and then print.
Airline check-in kiosks, automatic teller machines, online banking, and firms like eBay, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Zillow, and Zappos are also excellent examples where self-service and technology merge to deliver a product, and they are good use cases for this discussion forum.
Describe a situation where self-service and technology help create and deliver a customer benefit package to the customer. Provide examples of how such a system can cause a defect, mistake, or service upset. When possible, select a different example than your peers.
Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Graduate-school students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one properly cited and referenced scholarly or credible source in addition to the text. Review the APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. and APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resources from the Writing Center for help.
Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ or instructor’s posts in a substantive manner and provide information or concepts they may not have considered. Each response should have a minimum of 100 words and be respectful of others’ opinions and beliefs that differ from your own. Support your position by using information from the week’s readings. 
Cierra Deville
Technology continues to play an essential role in streamlining operations management. Wearable devices are among the crucial innovations with the potential to ease individuals’ daily operations conveniently (Feehan et al., 2018). Fitbit represents one of the technologies individuals can use to self-report their health status, with medical professionals viewing and making critical decisions based on the collected data. The Fitbit ECG app creates and records an ECG when you take a 30-second reading on your Fitbit wrist-worn product (Kloppenborg et al., 2023). The Fitbit ECG app analyzes the recording, presents the results on your Fitbit wrist-worn product, and allows you to view your results on your phone or tablet. Self-collected data can be easily used to analyze individuals’ medical history, conveniently reducing the need to attend healthcare centers and get healthcare providers to collect the necessary data. The device offers a perfect way for individuals with illnesses requiring regular blood pressure, oxygen levels, and activity levels to easily monitor their conditions and transmit the information to appropriate devices for decision-making.
However, it is worth noting that the device is associated with specific tracking errors. As with any device, it could be better and more foolproof. It can miss some tracking information or add information that needs to be more accurate. It is often recommended that individuals watch closely to ensure they get the fitness credit they deserve and nothing they have yet to earn.
Feehan, L. M., Geldman, J., Sayre, E. C., Park, C., Ezzat, A. M., Yoo, J. Y., … & Li, L. C. (2018). Accuracy of Fitbit devices: systematic review and narrative syntheses of quantitative data. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6(8), e10527.
Kloppenborg, T. J., Anantatmula, V., & Wells, K. N. (2023). Contemporary project management: Plan-driven and agile approaches (5th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Matthew Reaume
Self-service check-in kiosks in hotels significantly enhance the guest experience by offering convenience, speed, and personalization. These kiosks allow guests to check in, select room preferences, and obtain room keys without interacting with staff, streamlining hotel operations and improving customer satisfaction.
Benefits to the Customer
Convenience and Speed: Self-service kiosks reduce wait times, allowing guests to complete the check-in process quickly, avoiding long lines and delays.
Personalization: Guests can select room types and preferences directly through the kiosk, ensuring their individual needs are met.
24/7 Availability: These kiosks operate around the clock, accommodating guests at any time, which is particularly beneficial for late-night or early-morning arrivals and departures.
Potential Issues and Service Upsets
Despite these advantages, self-service check-in systems can lead to defects, mistakes, or service upsets:
Technical Glitches: Kiosks may malfunction or experience software issues, such as failing to process check-ins correctly or not dispensing room keys, causing frustration and delays that require staff intervention.
User Error: Some guests may struggle with the technology, leading to incorrect inputs or incomplete check-ins, necessitating additional assistance from hotel staff.
Security Concerns: Ensuring the security of personal information entered into kiosks is critical to prevent data breaches and protect guest information.
Imagine a guest uses a kiosk to check in late at night, successfully navigating the system and receiving their room key. However, upon arriving at the room, they find it already occupied due to a synchronization error between the kiosk and the hotel’s reservation database. This forces the frustrated guest to seek help from the limited night staff, diminishing the intended convenience.
Self-service check-in kiosks in hotels offer substantial benefits but also introduce potential risks. Effective operations management, robust technology infrastructure, user support, and strong security measures are crucial to delivering a seamless and satisfactory customer experience.

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