2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Presentation Guidelines Select a criminal-justice related topic that interests y

May 18, 2024

Presentation Guidelines
Select a criminal-justice related topic that interests you. This
topic can be the same topic as the one you used for your research
proposal in your CRJ 715 class. 
Browse through the variables in the datasets we used throughout
the semester (or the supplementary resource listed in the DATASETS link
in the main menu) and determine which of these variables you can use to
propose a research question (and subsequent research hypothesis) related
to your selected topic. 
NOTE: If, during
your CRJ 715 class you have identified a data source (available in SPSS
format), you are free to use it. However, you must share the database
with me and receive permission before you can use it. 
Read and summarize 3 (three) empirical studies
that relate to your topic (if you choose to use your research proposal
for ICJ715, you can use the same literature you used in your proposal). 
Study the levels of measurements of the variables you have
selected from the dataset(s) in order to determine which statistical
test covered in this class will be most appropriate to use to test your
proposed hypothesis.
Run the test in SPSS and save the outputs (or recreate these outputs in Excel or Word)
Put together a short PowerPoint presentation to discuss your proposed research and study findings. 
Your presentation should not be longer than 5 minutes. 
Presentation Outline
INTRODUCTION (1-2 slides)
State the thesis of your presentation (what social phenomenon you are studying)
Briefly Discuss the literature you have read in preparation for your presentation, and drawing from that
State your hypothesis and the null hypothesis
ANALYSIS (2 slides)
Discuss your variables in the hypothesis (independent, dependent, and their levels of measurement)
Discuss your analytical strategy (i.e. what statistical test you are using and why)
Discuss the results (output from SPSS) of your study
Discuss what you have concluded based on the results found (i.e.
whether you will reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis) and what
this tells you about the social phenomenon you have examined. 
Discuss the policy implications based on the findings of your research
For this assignment use this file. 

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