2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Potential Problems/Opportunities for the Course Project The Course Project shoul

May 15, 2024

Potential Problems/Opportunities for the Course Project
The Course Project should focus on identifying a business problem or opportunity and proposing a technology solution.  You will need to identify a real-life business that you are familiar with or a fictitious business. The business must have a problem or an opportunity that can use an information technology solution.
The following is a list of potential problems and opportunities around which you may want to focus your project.
Lack of competitiveness or profitability
Inefficient processes
Slow product development
Obsolete or outdated IT organizations and technologies
Poor corporate communications
Ongoing personnel issues
Take advantage of a new technology
Use technology to support or automate manual processes
Use technology to improve decision-making
Potential Technology Solution Categories
For this Course Project, you must select a technology category that will solve the problem or opportunity you have identified for the selected business.  For the purposes of this project, it is important to differentiate between Technology Solution Category (or Technology Category) and a specific Vendor or Product.
The Technology Category includes Artificial Intelligence AI, Machine Learning ML, Customer Relationship Management CRM systems, Data Analytics, and Web analytics. A vendor/product is a specific company or product, such as Salesforce, Oracle, Google Analytics, Omniture, etc.
The Technology Solution category selected for this project is acceptable if
That technology is available from more than one vendor/company or
At least one other technology can be used as an alternative solution.
Although the list of technology categories you can choose for your Course Project is vast, the list below gives some suggestions you may want to consider.
3D Technology and Application
Application software such as the following
Accounting/financial management system
Appointment scheduling system
Registration system for patients or students
Software for managing a specific type of business
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Asset tracking system
Augmented reality
Autonomous vehicles
Big Data
Business analytic
Business intelligence
Cloud-based services (software, hardware, storage, etc)
Cloud Computing
Collaboration technologies
Communication technologies
COVID-19 – Related Technology, Solutions, and Challenges
CRM system
Customer records system
Database system or application
Driverless Automobiles
Electronic document management system
Electronic medical records system
EV – Electrical Vehicle
ERP system
Global information system
Group decision support system
HRM system
Hyper-Loop Train, California
IoT – Internet of Things
Information systems security solutions
Internet analytics implementation (web analytics, social media analytics, video analytics, etc.)
Internet of Things IoT
Inventory management system
Knowledge management system
Quantum Computing – The Future of Computing
Network technologies
Project management system/software
RFID system, Radio Frequency IDentification
SCM system, Supply Chain Management
Social media applications for business
Space Technology, SpaceX, Blue Origin, etc.
Speech-to-text system/voice recognition system
Starlink – New Satellite Wireless Communications
Sustainable and Digitized Future
Technologies to facilitate telecommuting in the after-COVID-19 era
Text-to-speech system
Wireless sensor network
Others (with the approval of the professor)
The proposal should give a high-level overview of the project. It should provide some general information about the business or organization the project is for, a description of the problem or opportunity that will be addressed and solved with your innovative idea, and an overview of the technology that will be integrated into your solution. It should also provide a scenario that exemplifies the solution and customer or end-user population it will serve. You can develop a scenario illustrating your vision in a brief narrative. The goal is to help the reader envision your innovative solution.
The proposal should be written in APA format and around 3  THREE double-spaced pages (Excluding the Cover Page and References), using no larger than the Times New Roman, 12-point font.
The proposal should consist of the following:
Cover page
Table of contents
Brief company background
Business problems or opportunities overview
Briefly describe the problem or opportunity that you will be providing a technology solution for
Explain how this problem/opportunity affects the organization
Overview of the technology solution category
Provide a brief overview of the technology solution category and explain how it fits the organization’s needs.
Please see the definition of the technology solution category in the Potential Technology Solution Categories section above. You should use one of the technologies listed in that section. If you select another technology, please consult with your professor to ensure it meets this project’s requirements (i.e., Project Part 3).
The written document for this assignment should follow the APA style. Ensure correct spelling and grammar (use built-in tool with MS Word).

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