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Potential difficulties teachers are unprepared for include Group of answer choic

May 5, 2024

Potential difficulties teachers are unprepared for include
Group of answer choices
special-education populations.
racial and ethnic minority groups.
English as a second language students.
all of the above.
Flag question: Question 2
Question 25 pts
Which of the following presents the greatest obstacle to teachers’ gaining the kind of autonomy suggested by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards?
Group of answer choices
Teachers do not receive training in organizing and running their own professional organizations.
Most teachers are not interested in gaining more autonomy in their work.
Because education is a public enterprise and a public responsibility, citizens and their elected officials will be slow to turn control over to teachers.
The teaching population in the United States is too large and too varied to govern its own professional affairs.
Flag question: Question 3
Question 35 pts
The ancient Egyptian civilization was characterized by _____________.
Group of answer choices
a large empire, open dessert, and rule by the people.
tribal kingdoms, rule by pharaohs, and located on the riverbanks.
emperor rule, small regions, and open dessert.
a large empire, tribal kingdom, and rule by the people.
Flag question: Question 4
Question 45 pts
Of the educators discussed in Chapter 3, Luis finds the ideas of Maria Montessori to be most relevant to the area in which he is seeking certification, so he plans to try to learn more about her thinking. Of the following specializations, which is most likely to be the one Luis is pursuing?
Group of answer choices
elementary physical education
middle-school social studies education
secondary science education
early childhood education
Flag question: Question 5
Question 55 pts
Matthew is the twelve-year-old son of a successful businessman in colonial New England. Which of the following schools is he most likely to attend?
Group of answer choices
dame school
Franklin Academy
town school
Latin grammar school
Flag question: Question 6
Question 65 pts
Pragmatists such as Dewey see the school as a local community of _______________ connected to the larger society.
Group of answer choices
educators and decision makers
learners and teachers
pragmatist and realists
educators and politicians
Flag question: Question 7
Question 75 pts
School board members are usually selected by
Group of answer choices
appointment by the city or town council.
appointment by the governor.
appointment by the mayor or county executive.
election by community members.
Flag question: Question 8
Question 85 pts
State court decisions affecting financial support of public education have sent the message that
Group of answer choices
if budgets reflect blatant discrepancies from one district to another within a state, the federal government may intervene.
discrepancies in quality of education are not related to funding.
the level of financial support for public education clearly does make a difference in the quality of education.
a national system of providing for the financial support of public education is necessary to alleviate discrepancies in funding.
Flag question: Question 9
Question 95 pts
When questions arise about whether a teacher’s right to free expression is protected, a major concern is whether the behavior in question
Group of answer choices
negatively affects the school’s operation.
is allowed by school board policy.
is permitted in the teacher’s contract.
limits academic freedom.
Flag question: Question 10
Question 105 pts
An instructional media teacher who regularly videotapes copyrighted TV programs for use by classroom teachers in his middle high school is violating copyright laws if he
Group of answer choices
allows a teacher to show the same tape once during the first ten days after the initial taping.
keeps the videotape on file in the school library for thirty days after the taping.
makes the tapes without an advance request from one or more teachers.
erases the videotape after forty-five days.
Flag question: Question 11
Question 115 pts
Given current social conditions and trends, which of the following statements about Sam, a hypothetical twelve-year-old boy, is most likely to be true?
Group of answer choices
Sam’s parents spend more time with him than their parents spent with them as children.
Sam’s friends influence him more than his parents’ friends influenced them as children.
Sam is less involved in extracurricular activities than his parents were at the same age.
The “hidden curriculum” at Sam’s school is less likely to emphasize passive compliance than the culture of the schools his parents attended.
Flag question: Question 12
Question 125 pts
Your friend Joel argues that schools, as traditionally organized, are set up not to help people get ahead in life but to keep them “in their place.” What label best fits Joel’s beliefs?
Group of answer choices
Social Darwinist
Flag question: Question 13
Question 135 pts
Educators who adopt the environmentalist position concerning the development of intelligence would probably support
Group of answer choices
compensatory education.
segregated schools.
physical punishment.
use of IQ tests in program placements.
Flag question: Question 14
Question 145 pts
The movement toward cultural pluralism in this country reflects the need to
Group of answer choices
recognize the rights of different ethnic groups to exist in segregated fashion.
recognize the diversity present in American society, as well as the problems and advantages that are associated with that diversity.
find the proper mix of all cultures that creates what we call American culture.
determine the most constructive way to bring minority ethnic groups into mainstream American culture.
Flag question: Question 15
Question 155 pts
A “high stakes” test is one where the results
Group of answer choices
are used to help make decisions about promotion and/or graduation.
count for more points than other tests in the semester.
are not linked to the district’s or the state’s educational standards.
have little relationship to accountability systems.
Flag question: Question 16
Question 165 pts
The greatest responsibility for curriculum development falls on
Group of answer choices
the state.
the individual buildings in a district.
the teachers.
the local school districts.
Flag question: Question 17
Question 175 pts
The system that provides a dual-track pattern of education is commonly known as
Group of answer choices
higher education.
a vocational-technical program.
a bipartite system.
a primary system.
Flag question: Question 18
Question 185 pts
A World Bank study has reported that the family socioeconomic background of students is
Group of answer choices
a predictor of achievement only in industrialized nations.
generally not a good predictor of achievement worldwide.
a predictor of achievement in both industrialized and developing nations.
a reliable predictor of achievement only in the United States.
Flag question: Question 19
Question 195 pts
Most criticisms leveled at studies on the effectiveness of nonpublic schools have centered on
Group of answer choices
the research methods employed.
the courses in the curriculum.
the instructional skills of the teachers.
parental support.
Flag question: Question 20
Question 205 pts
The aim of many of the educational reforms proposed today is to improve this nation’s
Group of answer choices
critical-thinking abilities.
international economic competitiveness.
mathematical and scientific skills.
understanding of multicultural differences.

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