2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Post #1: Parahraph for each I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be the pr

June 17, 2024

Post #1: Parahraph for each
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be the project manager for Week 9-10 for Team 6. This week was particularly demanding as we had several tasks at hand: finalizing the integrated project plan, refining the project schedule, preparing the sponsor presentation, and completing an individual assignment.
This week marked the culmination of our research work, which we have been diligently pursuing for the past 8-10 weeks. The primary focus was on finalizing the integrated project plan, incorporating the professor’s feedback, and adding any additional research required. As we delved into the finer details, our understanding improved, leading to better outcomes. A key personal takeaway was the importance of perseverance; efforts to resolve issues tend to pay off over time. Initially, I faced some confusion regarding certain aspects of the project, but with the team’s support, my understanding improved significantly.
In terms of the project schedule, we did not have to make major changes, thanks to the team’s consistent efforts. A few refinements were sufficient to keep us on track. The sponsor presentation was a significant milestone this week. Our team worked hard to compile and present our research and recommendations effectively. At this stage, our team was in the performing phase, where everyone was familiar with each other’s working styles, and we functioned cohesively. Completing the sponsor presentation in a timely manner to get the professor’s review was a priority.
What Went Well:
Team Energy and Morale: Despite working on the same topic for several weeks, the team’s energy remained high. We maintained our communication, trust, and respect for each other’s work and timelines, which was crucial in keeping the momentum going.
Task Delegation: I learned the importance of delegating tasks and trusting team members to complete them. Initially, I preferred handling tasks myself, but with the complexity of our project, delegation became key to our success. This also empowered team members and utilized everyone’s strengths.
Adaptability and Support: We were able to handle external crises effectively because team members had each other’s backs and completed tasks when needed. This adaptability and mutual support were vital to our smooth progress.
Communication Tools: Although coordinating meetings was challenging due to different schedules, we effectively used technology like WhatsApp and Teams to provide feedback and updates regularly. This ensured continuous communication and collaboration.
What Could Be Improved:
Team Meetings: While we adhere to our timelines, I wish we could have conducted more team meetings. Scheduling conflicts made it difficult to find a common time, but our reliance on digital communication helped mitigate this issue to some extent.
Additional Lessons Learned:
Leadership Style: I employed a blend of democratic and authoritative leadership styles. This approach allowed for team input and collaboration while ensuring decisive action and clear direction when necessary. This balance helped in making informed decisions while maintaining team cohesion and motivation.
Adaptation to Feedback: We revised the integrated project plan in response to the professor’s comments and our additional research. Additionally, each team member accepted changes suggested by others, highlighting the importance of being open to feedback and continuously improving our work.
Clarity Through Detailing: As we delved into the details of the project, we gained clearer insights, leading to better outcomes. This emphasized the value of thorough analysis and attention to detail.
Timely Execution: We achieved the timeline we set for ourselves, especially with the sponsor presentation. Completing tasks promptly for the professor’s review highlighted our commitment to deadlines and quality work.
I was the Project Manager for Team 4 during Weeks 9-10. This period proved to be particularly demanding, as we had several critical tasks at hand: finalising the integrated project plan, refining the project schedule, preparing the sponsor presentation, and completing an individual assignment.
These weeks marked the culmination of our extensive research efforts, which we have been diligently undertaking for the past 8-10 weeks. Our primary focus was on finalising the integrated project plan, incorporating the professor’s feedback, and supplementing it with any additional research required. As we delved deeper into the finer details, our understanding improved, leading to better outcomes.
While I am still honing my skills in Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) creation, the unwavering support and diverse expertise of our team enabled us to complete it on time and in the required format. As the youngest Project Manager in the group, it was a truly enriching experience to learn from my teammates, each bringing unique perspectives and knowledge, which instilled confidence in me to lead our team effectively and complete all group assignments smoothly.At one point, we inadvertently deleted a file, causing momentary panic. However, our team’s collective determination and collaborative effort enabled us to recover the file successfully, demonstrating our resilience in the face of challenges.
Key Takeaways:
The importance of clear and consistent communication cannot be overstated in ensuring project success and maintaining alignment among team members.
Embracing diverse perspectives and leveraging the unique strengths of each team member foster a collaborative and productive environment.
Perseverance and a solution-oriented mindset are essential when facing challenges, as they enable us to overcome obstacles and deliver high-quality work.
Effective time management and prioritisation skills are crucial for juggling multiple tasks and meeting deadlines in a demanding project environment.
What Went Well:
Effective collaboration and communication among team members fostered a supportive environment, enabling us to leverage our diverse strengths and expertise.
Our perseverance and commitment to resolving issues paid off, as we were able to address challenges and deliver high-quality work within the given timeline.
The feedback and guidance provided by the professor proved invaluable in refining our integrated project plan and ensuring we were on the right track.
Despite facing a setback with the accidental file deletion, our team’s swift and coordinated response allowed us to recover the file promptly, minimising disruption to our workflow.
As the Project Manager, I gained valuable experience in leading a team, managing tasks, and fostering an environment conducive to learning and growth.
It was a privilege to work with such a dedicated and talented team, and I look forward to building upon the lessons learned from this experience in our future endeavours.

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