2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Poetry “Abecedarian Requiring Further Examination of Anglikan Seraphym Subjugati

June 21, 2024

“Abecedarian Requiring Further Examination of Anglikan Seraphym Subjugation of a Wild Indian Rezervation” (2012). Poem from When My Brother Was an Aztec by Natalie Diaz (b. 1978). Mojave/Latinx
“Look” (2014). Poem by Solmaz Sharif (b. 1983). Iran/United States
“Not Even This” (2020). Poem by Ocean Vuong (b. 1988). Vietnam/United States
“Bloodchild” (1984). Republished in Bloodchild and Other Stories in 1995. Science fiction short story by Octavia Butler (1947 – 2006). United States
“Interpreter of Maladies” (1999). Short story by Jhumpa Lahiri (b. 1967). From the book of short stories also called Interpreter of Maladies. India/United States
“The Fact of Blackness” (1952). Chapter from Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon (1925 – 1961). United States
“They Placed the Map in Her Heart”: A Poet Warrior’s Story (2021). Excerpt from the memoir Poet Warrior by Joy Harjo (b. 1951.) Muscogee Nation, United States
Pop Art & Photorealism
Drowning Girl (1963). Oil painting by Roy Lichtenstein (1923 – 1997) based on comic book art by Tony Abruzzo in 1962. United States
Super Indian No. 2, 1971 (1971). Oil painting by Fritz Scholder (1937-2005). Payómkawichum (Luiseño)/United States
Marilyn (Vanitas) (1977). Oil/acrylic painting by Audrey Flack (b. 1931). United States
2-Dimensional Art
The Wounded Deer (1946). Oil painting by Frida Kahlo (1907-1954). Mexico
Hollywood Africans (1983). Acrylic/oil painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988). United States
Street Story Quilt (1985). Triptych of cotton canvas, acrylic paint, ink marker, dyed and printed cotton, and sequins, sewn to a cotton flannel backing by Faith Ringgold (b. 1930). United States
Front View of Entrance, Church, Taos Pueblo National Historic Landmark, New Mexico, 1942” (1942). Black and white photograph of the front view of the entrance by Ansel Adams (1902–1984). United States
Untitled #96. (1981) Chromogenic color print photograph by Cindy Sherman (b. 1954). United States
A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai) (1993). Transparency on lightbox by Jeff Wall (b.1946). Canada
Video & Digital Art 
Electronic Superhighway: Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii (1995). Fifty-one channel video installation by Nam June Paik (1932 – 2006). Korea/United States
Umbrella (2020). Short animated film written and directed by Helena Hilario and Mario Pece. Brazil
Performance Art
Starman (Top Of The Pops, 1972). Performance by David Bowie (1947 – 2016). United Kingdom
The Artist is Present (still image) / The Artist is Present (video clip) (2010). Marina Abramovic (b. 1946). Yugoslavia
Christmas Carol: Marley Arrives (2020). Created and performed by Manual Cinema. Chicago
Street Art 
Ignorance = Fear, Silence = Death (1989). Poster by Keith Haring (1958 – 1990). United States
Faith in Women (2005). Spray paint mural in Minneapolis by Lady Pink (b. 1964). Ecuador/United States
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